Chapter 13

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The following week spent at Shell Cottage was like a dream.

The early spring air was crisp and lovely, as were the waves that crashed against the shoreline. The sky, while still grey, had a freshness to it that was good for my lungs and my bones as they mended. I had taken to going for walks out on the beach, letting the ice water wash over my toes and the soft path of sand helping my tender muscles. Harry went with me, his fingers laced with mine as we walked.

Sometimes we talked, telling each other what we had discovered over recent months– the Deathly Hallows from him, the horcruxe in Gringotts from me, though both of us had already known– or whatever antics had happened in the cottage that morning. Sometimes, though, we just walked in silence, letting the breeze and the waves decide on what the volume of the morning should be. I valued it, because I was sure that the longer the silence lasted, the more likely Harry would be to tell me whatever he and the others were planning.

They tried so hard to keep it secret, but unluckily for them, a stab wound to my abdomen didn't affect my brain as well. I would hear them talking in other rooms, their voices quieting whenever the stairs would creak under passing feet. I knew the goblin was involved. Despite the unpleasant little creature that he was, he had information. Information on Gringotts, for instance. And certain vaults.

Today the wind was particularly pleasant, brushing by my face, my hair tickling my cheeks where it had escaped from the french braid Fleur had lovingly pulled it into. Harry walked beside me, quiet, head down. I looked at him, studying his face– his cheeks were starting to fill out just a little bit again, not quite so hollow– before I spoke, hoping to Merlin and back that it wouldn't ruin everything.

"You're planning something," I said, voice coming out softer than I had meant it to. Harry looked up to me, green eyes surprised for just a moment before they simmered down. He looked at me with a grimace, fingers tightening over mine.

"Yeah," he admitted. I crinkled my nose at him.

"You won't tell me."

"Yeah," he agreed, though he didn't look thrilled. I frowned at him, halting my steps. A wave broke over the beach, the water pooling around my feet. I didn't move, staring at him for a moment before I pulled my hand out of his and continued on by myself. I only managed a few steps before he caught up to me, taking my hand again and pulling me to a stop that I turned into with a sigh.

I looked at him. "What?"

"You can't just do that!" He said. "Just– walk away like that. It's not fair."

"You're purposefully keeping me on the outside!" I snapped back, looking at him with a frown. "You're planning something– probably something stupid if I know you at all– and you're not even going to let me help! I'm not some injured puppy, Potter! I'm not– you can't ask me to just sit back and let all the work be done. Hell no."

"I'm not asking any of that, Siri," Harry said, sounding genuinely troubled by the accusation. He stared at me, green eyes big and unfairly persuasive. His fingers softened around mine, but he didn't let go. 

"So what then? I become the Chosen One's girlfriend and get sidelined so I'm not a distraction?" I sneered, probably nastier than need be. Harry scowled at me.

"You know very bloody well not–"

"Then what? Is this some payback because I bailed on you all those months ago? Like Dumbledore instructed me to?"


"Then what, Potter?"

"You were in captivity for weeks!" Harry exploded. Not literally, of course, but... his face was flushed, green eyes vivid under glasses. He didn't appear angry, just... vehement, and my heart leapt into my throat. "You were starving, and tortured, and you've not recovered– You've still got that limp, haven't you? And you're cringing constantly, Siri. I won't make your decisions for you, but you've got to admit, you have to, that you're not ready yet. And the plan... it's complicated. And if things go bad, I can't have you there. It could end for all of us. Because you could get in trouble, and it's not as though I could just leave you! And then we all end up in Azkaban for life–"

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