Chapter 3

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After her class, Isabelle went to her locker as fast as she could to keep her books before "the" popular kids from school comes. As she was walking she bumped into a guy, who had beautiful green eyes, blonde hair, and quite muscular. His name was Brandon.

Her books fell.It was like Isabelle was having the " high school (meeting the gorgeous senior guy) movie thing" but instead she had a nasty fall.
Brandon couldn't help himself from giggling.
"Are you alright? " asked Brandon, helping Isabelle up.
'He's just like the others' thought Isabelle.
"I'm fine thanks. " said Isabelle with an annoyed tone in her voice.
Isabelle picked up her books and Brandon helped her as well.
Isabelle walked away fast.
"You know a 'thank you' would make my day" shouted Brandon so that Isabelle could hear.
"Thaaankkk yooouuu" shouted Isabelle from where she was walking .
Isabelle walked to her locker to keep her books back. She took out her books for the next lesson which was Literature . She shut her locker gently and looked at her phone because her phone beeped .She saw the screen of her phone.

2Unknown missed calls

Who could that be?

Isabelle didn't know who it was so she just ignored and walked straight to her next class. She sat behind as usual. She'd normally take out her headphones to listen to music while waiting for the teacher to walk in , but this time she didn't because she got distracted with the familiar scent that she had smell.She looked up and saw the familiar gorgeous green eyes . Brandon.
'Don't tell me he's in this class too? Where have I see him? Well besides than just now . Agh ' thought Isabelle.
"Hey Isabelle" said Brandon.
'How on earth does he know my name?He's just a new kid. It's logic of everyone knows the name of a new kid but not the old unpopular girl who sits alone in lunch or drinks blood half of the time !'
"Um hi?.." Isabelle stammered.
"Is it ok if I sit here? All the other seats are taken apparently ."said Brandon.
"Yea sure." said Isabelle .

The teacher walked in. Mrs Melissa. She placed her books on her desk and asked Brandon to stand up to introduce himself .
"Hey everyone ...I'm Brandon ..I'm from Boston but I moved here a couple of weeks ago and I love playing lacrosse. And yea ..." said Brandon awkwardly .
"Well we're all pleased to have you in our school." Said Mrs Melissa.
"If you don't know anything or you can't catch up with the assignments you can always ask our best student here, Isabelle. She'll help you out . Won't you Miss foster ? "asked Mrs Melissa
"Yea no problem." Said Isabelle giving a fake -awkward smile to Brandon.
"Alright . Turn to page 128 of your textbooks please . " said Mrs Melissa . The class began as usual.

Hey guys so I'm finally back and it's holidays now so I think I'll be active enough to finish this story soon. Do leave comments and please vote. ✨✨💕it'll mean a lot to me if you do . Love Cally💋

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