16 . Despises and Captures.

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Despises and Captures

Ionora's POV :

Okay. I take back whatever I said. I wish I hadn't asked Marrise to tell me her secrets or rather mine, that I didn't know.

The saying ignorance is bliss had never made more sense until this moment. Oh how I wish that this was all a dream and I would wake up sitting on that tree outside Zayden's pack and I would fall from the tree into the hands of my mate who would preferably not be an Alpha and we would live in a small cottage with three children, two dogs and a hamster. What? They're cute.

In fact anything would be better than sitting in a stinking cell which smelled of vomit and blood knowing that your mate didn't want you, your mother was not really your mother and that your father was a wanted criminal who would do anything, even kill his own children to gain power.


Here, let me help you.

~~Flashback begins~~

"But Lupa, our real mother was a werewolf."
I don't know how long I sat there gaping at him but when I came out of my shock, I laughed. I laughed and laughed until I started wheezing like a dying hyena having its last laugh.

I could hear Ian whispering things like 'I think she has finally lost it' and 'she finally snapped' while staying at me helplessly not knowing what to do.

Eventually Aunt Marrise had enough and she parked the car in the service road by the side and turned to me.

Tranquillum mentis

Immediately a sense of calm began to descend upon me and I stopped my hysterics. It felt like something foreign had entered my body and was forcing me to think happy thoughts. I felt happy and I could almost imagine myself prancing around with unicorns and butterflies. I hated this feeling and craved it at the same time. Is this what drugs felt like?

"What is happening to me?" I screeched but it came out in a bubbly voice.

"You're under a spell, a calming spell. You can't get worried or have any negative emotions for some time now, at least not on the outside." Vivian had the audacity to smirk. That bitc-angel!

Marisse slapped the back of her head which dropped her smirk. It was my turn to smirk now.

"Ionora, I know that all this is too much for you. Hell, if I were you I would have jumped off a cliff but I really need to tell you everything. It is important that you know everything so that you are safe. So please listen till the end without freaking out." She pleaded.

I groaned."There's more? Great, Just great. Fine, get on with it already. Might as well go insane and spend the rest of my life in the mental asylum. Vivian already thinks I'm a hobo anyways." I mumbled, not caring if I was being rude.
Vivian and Ian, stifled a laugh. Yeah, yeah, just laugh at me. You're not the one who is being told that their whole life was a lie.

"I'm going to tell you everything in brief. There is no time for explanations." She said and began to drive, a bit faster this time.

"Stella was Jordan's partner or mate in werewolf terms. But she was a witch and therefore they couldn't have a hybrid child, even if they could. Eventually your father came up with the idea of getting a werewolf female and mating with her. But as you know, inter species mating was thought to be impossible. Jordan knew a remedy and had a very powerful witch make a potion which would suppress the werewolf gene and make the person human for some time."

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