Yuri on Ice

676 32 20

Aries: Yuri Plisetsky

Taurus: Guang Hong Ji

Gemini: Phichit Chulanont

Cancer: Christophe Giacometti

Leo: Viktor Nikiforov

Virgo: Yuuri Katsuki

Libra: Jean Jacques Leroy 

Scorpio: Seung-gil Lee

Sagittarius: Kenjirou Minami

Capricorn: Michele Crispino

Aquarius: Yuuko Nishigori

Pisces: Georgi Poporvich



A/N: I really am sorry for not being able to get up another chapter. School has been crazy and then my phone broke, but i'm back! I REALLY like Yuri on Ice and it is soooo good. also make sure to send money to the #helpmakkachinlive2k16 foundation. and i hope you like this chapter! Enjoy! ~ Haru

💫ANIME ZODIAC💫Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora