Chapter 69

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Chapter 69

Ao's POV

Everyone sat down in Craig's room. All three of my friends stared at me, waiting for an explanation about everything. I tried explained as best as I could while keeping things simple. I told them about me being the proxy; meeting the others, having to defeat Zalgo or else the world will be destroyed, what had just happened recently, and why I was gone for three weeks. They were all staring at me in disbelief by the time I finished.

"Y-You're making all of that up...," Kayla murmured, yet the look in her eyes told me that she was nervous because she believed me.

I also showed them how I could summon the red markings and the Purification. When that wasn't enough, I told them about Sam. Even though I wasn't able to reveal him, they already looked overwhelmed by the information.

"I wish I was tripping on acid right now," Craig commented.

"I'm sorry you all have to find out this way," I started, "and I wish I could give you all more time to process, but I need your help."

"How can we possibly help with something like this?," Xavier asked.

"We're not special like your other friends," Kayla added in.

"You don't have to have powers to help me," I said, "Just be on my side. And don't tell anyone about this when this is all over. Got it?"

After a moment of silence, all of them nodded in unison and I smiled.

"First things first," I began as I stood up. I turned my back to all of them and pointed to the nape of my neck. "See this scar? The people who kidnapped me implanted a device that electrocutes me every time I use Sam. I need it out."

"Wh-What are you saying?," Kayla murmured, reeling back.

I glanced at her and smiled.

Within the next five minutes, I sat on a chair in the bathroom as Craig had to cut into my skin to remove the device. Kayla wanted no part of it and I knew I shouldn't force her to watch. She's too squeamish.

It was painful, especially since Craig was so nervous about moving the blade, but eventually he managed to get to the small device. Xavier helped to pull it out with tweezers, and as soon as he showed it to me, I slapped it down to the floor and stomped on it. A loud crack echoed off the bathroom walls and I sighed with relief.

After my fresh cut was patched up, I had everyone gather in Craig's room again. As soon as I allowed Sam to move things, they all freaked out and stared at floating objects with wide eyes. I felt nothing by joy in those moments.

"Now that you're implant-free," Craig started, "what's your plan?"

"To be honest, I haven't thought of one," I admitted.

"Great," Xavier grumbled.

"But," I continued as I dug around in my duffel bag, "I know it has to involve this..." I pulled out the strange, black device for them to see and they stared at it with confused expressions.

"I don't know what it is either," I said, "but someone told me I'd know what to do with it when the time comes. I think this is the time...but I still don't know it's purpose."

"Wait a minute," Kayla whispered as she reached for the device. I let her grab it and watched her examine it intently. She poked at the metal prongs in the back, and tapped on it over and over. "I think I might have seen this in a movie before..."

"Really?," Craig remarked plainly.

"Don't judge," she hissed, "I don't remember what it's called, but in the movie some spy jammed this thing into a computer mainframe and it fried everything. And I mean, everything. It shut down computers and security. It was pretty cool actually, and the spy ended up getting what he needed."

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