Chapter 1

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"She's just so... What's the word?"

"Amazing?" Aiko chuckled as she watched Hikaru in a fit of giggles at his newly found crush, Haruhi. Aiko figured that it wouldn't last long, after all, Hikaru wasn't the dating type. She had seen plenty of girls enter their way into his life, but only a handful actually stayed; herself included.

"That's the word! Amazing!" Hikaru's cheeks reddened as he imagined Haruhi laughing. Somehow, the brunette had an affect on the usually tame boy. He didn't understand how she managed to slip past his defense system, but he wasn't complaining either. Actually, it was the complete opposite.

"Look at yourself! Daydreaming about Haruhi... What would Kaoru think of you swooning over some girl?" Aiko questioned, sounding a little harsher then she meant. Hikaru crossed his arms and pouted, internally making Aiko awe. Even when he tried to come off as brute, he still managed to make her heart stop.

"She's not just some girl." He mumbled as he continued to act childishly. Aiko smiled and scooted closer to where Hikaru was bundled, placing her hand on top of his auburn locks.

"Whatever. Just try not to get yourself hurt." Hikaru sat still as she played with his hair, something she often did to calm the emotional boy. It always soothed him, and if she had to be honest, Aiko loved his hair. Actually, she loved everything about him, ranging from the many temper tantrums he threw to his mischievous side. Everything about him was perfect and always would be.

"I knew I would catch you guys here. Hikaru, it's not polite to intrude on Aiko's privacy. I'm sure she doesn't want you in her bedroom." Kaoru scorned. At his words, Aiko blushed and frantically waved her hands in disagreement.

"It wasn't Hikaru's fault. I was the one who invited him over." Kaoru rolled his eyes and hopped onto her bed, joining his brother.

"What were you guys talking about?" Kaoru asked as he laid his head onto Aiko's lap. She smiled at his instincts, and used her other hand to play with his hair as well.

"Hikaru's crush." Aiko blurted out. Hikaru turned an even darker shade of red, but quickly replaced it by covering his face with his fringe.

"I was not!" Kaoru sighed and sat up, eyeing his brother.

"Why haven't you mentioned this to me before?" Hikaru remained silent, worrying about telling his brother the truth. Hikaru feared that Kaoru also shared feelings for Haruhi, and that if he did, who knows what would happen.

"Your face is too beautiful to hide," complained Aiko as she moved Hikaru's bangs from his face. He groaned at Aiko's adorable self and complied.

"Anyway, Hikaru likes Haruhi." As Aiko said this, Hikaru studied his twin brother for any expression, but the one he found was not of shock, but of relief.

"About time the moron figured out his feelings. I'm glad." Hikaru's eyes widened, and he rubbed his hair timidly.

"I'm a little embarrassed about not telling you first. I thought you liked Haruhi." Kaoru only laughed at Hikaru's preposterous idea, easing his twin.

"You have no need to worry about me stealing Haruhi, although I very much could. I am the better half," teased Kaoru. Hikaru lightly punched his brother's arm, and Kaoru quickly returned the favor. This was the start of an all out war.

"Quick! Pillow fight!" Shouted Kaoru as he grabbed Aiko's hand and pulled her down with him. They took fort behind her bed, trying to grab anything they could possibly use as a weapon.

"No fair! You guys are on teams." Whined Hikaru as he chucked a pillow at the traitors.

"Who said anything about teams?" With that said, Aiko picked up the pillow Hikaru had thrown and attacked Kaoru's shoulder. Caught in a daze, Kaoru fell to the ground in surprise that his ally had turned on him.

"How dare you!" Cried Kaoru as he faked death, only causing Hikaru and Aiko to bust into laughter.

"Okay, you really suck at acting. Leave the over dramatic stuff to Tamaki." Commented Hikaru in a fit of giggles.

Kaoru sent a pillow in Hikaru's direction, knocking him off the bed and onto the hard floor.

"Oh dearest brother, I have slain thee!"

"How's that for acting?" Mocked Kaoru. Aiko watched as Hikaru shot up from the ground and attacked his twin.

"Guys! Be careful, you might knock something down!" Shouted Aiko as she tried desperately to pry the two apart. Her attempts remained useless, until finally she grabbed a pillow and threw it at the pair. Right at this moment, the door opened and whoever had entered was met with a pillow to the face.

"So that's how I'm greeted?" Quickly realizing who it was, Aiko sat up and instantly apologized to her older sister, Myra.

"I was just coming up to give you your medicine, and also see if Hikaru and Kaoru are staying the night. Again..." Aiko looked to where Hikaru and Kaoru sat, both pleading with their eyes to let them stay the night once more. Aiko sighed and nodded her head.

"I'll tell the cooks to make two extra plates then." Myra placed Aiko's medicine, including a glass of water, on a nightstand. She then closed the door, her footsteps deteriorating away.

"Won't your parents miss you? This is the third night in a row you two have stayed with me." Aiko worriedly said as she crawled toward the two boys.

"Not really. Mother is currently working on a new fashion line, and father has left for a business trip. Our place is quite dull at the moment." Aiko nodded understandingly, and opened her arms widely to the pair.

"Well you're both welcomed here anytime!" Hikaru and Kaoru both accepted Aiko's hug, and stayed in an embrace.

"Oh, I almost forgot..." Aiko sat up and walked towards her nightstand, picking up the small pill and washing it down with the glass of water Myra had left.

"Why don't you come back to Ouran? Even your doctors say you are doing better." Hikaru pried. At his words, Aiko shuddered at the very thought. She had severe anxiety, and the very thought of a public school sent shivers down her spine.

"Don't you remember last time I attended a school? I lasted a month."

"Yeah, but this time you'll have the both of us by your side. I'm sure you can get your schedule changed to fit ours. After all, we are in the same grade." Added Kaoru.

"I'm sorry guys, but I just don't think I can. Being homeschooled is my choice. Maybe one day I'll be strong enough, but for the time being I would like to learn in the depths of my own home." Hikaru and Kaoru sighed in defeat, but understood. Aiko was incredibly shy - it had taken many attempts at getting her to talk to them - but finally she opened up and little by little they learned to love each other. A knock shook Hikaru from his thoughts, and Aiko opened the door.

"Dinner is ready." Answered a maid.

"Come on, are you guys just going to sit there or join me?" Aiko said as she offered out her hand.

It was times like this that the twins wished nothing more but for Aiko to open up to more people. Although parts of them were selfish and wanted her all to themselves, they knew that there would come a day when she was no longer afraid of people, and they would no longer be the only friends in her life. And if they couldn't control that, they would control who entered her world. After all, you could say she was the glue that held them together, but little did they know it was the other way around. Behind her smile was a broken girl hopelessly in love with her best friend.

Excited for this new story. Also, what do you think about the cover? I tried something new, hope you like it :)

10 Signs You're In Love With Your Best Friend • OHSHCDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora