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Dear diary,

            My feet hurt like a piece of crap. I had gone shopping with Holly and Liam yesterday for our shoes. It still surprises me that my feet hurt even though it's in the evening the next day. Shopping with Holly - it was torture, I swear. 

            If by any chance, someone got asked by Holly to accompany her go shopping, I hope that someone would decline and get the hell away from Holly before he or she experiences the pain I am in. Even rock-climbing practice couldn't beat this. You see, Holly has a rather unique way of shopping. Around the shops in the mall, she would enter each and every one of them and choose her options. After that, she would reenter them all shortlisting her options before choosing her final products. It's amazing to watch her shop, really. But it was very exhausting too.

            I remember getting my shoes within an hour, much to Holly's disgust. I had gotten a pair of black wedges that has gold speckles at the front. I heard from Holly that my dress has a similar pattern; black with gold design. Hence why I ended up buying those shoes. I wasn't a picky shopper like her. If I like what I see, I buy it. 

           Liam had gotten really bored that he ended up in a bookstore and reading a book. That guy, he was never the social person. If any other guy were to follow us, it'd be more normal to see the guy to flirt with the cashiers or playing games on his phone. But this was Liam, and like I said, he was different - good different.

            I bent down further as I wrote, making my short hair falling into my face. I paused in my writing and tucked my lose hair behind my ear. I thought about what else to write while shifting my position in my bed. My bed...

            I blushed deep red, thinking about what had happened the day before. I have tried numerous times to convince myself that he was just being himself and fooling around. But it wasn't a surprise that I keep failing. 

            "Ugh," I gave up. I leaned back, letting myself fall into the soft pillows at the head of my bed. So, I have an itsy bitty attraction towards him. But that was normal; I have always had that since I met him. But then again, he had never made me feel this way before. Ugh. I grabbed one of my pillows and screamed out my frustration.

            "What's up with you?" A male voice remarked, dripping with amusement.


            "Nothing," I mumbled, my face still under the pillow. I didn't want to move because I knew I'd blush like crazy if I saw the sight of Liam.

            "Are you overthinking again?" He snatched away my pillow, raising an eyebrow at me.

            I choked down the blush, realizing he was only in a white singlet and jeans. In case anyone was wondering, Liam was in my apartment because his suit was in my apartment - Holly had to do some amendments before it fitted just right to Liam's masculine figure. It was near evening, and Holly and Liam were both preparing for the dance while I was busy doing nothing because I clearly did not want to go; I was way too lazy.

            "No, I'm not." I snapped, stealing the pillow back and hugging it. "Why are you in here anyway? Ever heard of knocking?"

            "I did knock, you genius," he rolled his eyes, "you just happened to be screaming at the same time."

            "Ok, fine, whatever. What do you want?" I snapped.

            "Bow or necktie?" He randomly asked, lifting his hands showing the said objects. In his left hand, he held the classic black bow and in his right hand, he held a golden necktie. Both looked really good on him, I felt. I cocked my head to the side, glancing to the bow then to the tie and back.

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