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The Side Affects of Zinc

Other than the whole fiasco that happened Friday evening, my weekend had been fairly uneventful. On Saturday I spent my day with Wendy, and Sunday I went over to Kyle's so that we could just hang out. Truth be told, I was kind of bored those two days. But now that it's the beginning of a new week, I kind of wish it was still Sunday. Or Saturday. Or even Friday afternoon. Basically, I just didn't want to go to school that day.

I like learning. I know that might sound like a big shocker to some people, but when I'm fed knowledge I don't just puke it back out. I digest it and let it set in, because I think that most things they teach in high school actually can become useful to me in the future. It's also nice not being in the shadows of everything; not knowing right from wrong, not being educated enough to make an important life-changing decision, and even just straight up knowing what someone else is talking about.

But there are some things that I just can't handle in South Park High. Take sixth period Chemistry for example. This class is the only one that I shared with Kenny, Cartman, and Kyle all at once, and to be quite honest it really was kind of a disaster. Even so, there were some things that our teacher, Mrs. Morninos, would not tolerate that didn't even seem all that bad to me. I only have two classes with Kyle this year, one of them being Chemistry, but even before entering twelfth grade if I shared a class with Kyle I'd always go over to him and talk to him whenever the teacher wasn't trying to explain something to us. In all the teachers that we've ever shared together, the only one that wouldn't allow it was Mrs. Morinos. Speaking to my best friend is a "safety hazard" in her eyes, but I think she's just homophobic. What I think is going on in her head is that she's under the impression that him and I are dating. We aren't, but if that's what she wants to think then I don't care. The problem is her homophobia.

Of course, it could also be possible that I'm just making this up in my head and she could just not want anyone to get hurt. The point is, she's my east favorite teacher. I have to endure her voice every single day, and the worst part about having her for Chemistry is that she doesn't even teach! In fact, my Monday ended up being pretty okay until sixth period.

Since sixth period was right after lunch, all four of us walked there together. Cartman and Kenny were a little ahead of Kyle and I, as they were talking about something relating to food and porn. Or was it food porn? I wasn't really even listening to them. Honestly, I was more so staring at Kenny's plain white boxer briefs. Okay, maybe that sounded a little creepy on my part, but I wasn't checking him out or anything like that!

You see, Kenny McCormick was one of those guys who always wore baggy pants that showed off his underwear - not because he thought it looked cool, but because he couldn't afford a belt and he keeps losing weight. Sometimes I see people giving him money to do little jobs for them. Nothing too bad, just simple ones like doing homework for them or washing their car or something.

He takes what he can get, because if he doesn't take care of himself then no one will.

As for Eric Cartman, well he was one of those guys that you didn't really get along with but couldn't get rid of either. Sometimes, he isn't actually that bad of a guy. Very rarely, he'll do something nice for us like treat us to a movie or something like that. But most of the time he's just a dick.

Kyle Broflovski was the kind of guy who was easily angered. He had a bit of a short temper, always has really, and Cartman was the one who tapped into that side of him more than anyone else.

Speaking of which, on our walk to Chemistry Kyle was being quieter than usual. I wasn't just going to ignore this, so I tried to see what was going on with him. "Man, I'm so excited for this period," I said sarcastically, just to make sure I wasn't just imagining his gloominess.

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