just the beginning

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Caitlin woke up and smiled she was so exsisted her date with barry was today ahe checked her phone it was 8:30 wich was a really early time for her to wake up maybe it was because she was existed like a kid on Christmas getting up at 6.

She jumped our of bed and went into the living room where as always her grandmother was drinking some tea.

Caitlin smiled at her "good morning" she said sitting down comfortably next to the old woman.

"You seem awfully cheerfull hun and your up early" doreen commented
"dose it have anything to do with barry?" She said playfully

Caitlin beamed at her "yer I'm meeting up with him tonight " caitlin addmitted

"Where are you going today?" She questioned her grandaughter.

"On a date" caitlin said simply like it was nothing but inside she was squealing like a 13 year old who had just been kissed.

Doreen smiled "is it just a date to you caity?" She asked knowingly caitlin blushed "no! Gradma this is huge I mean it's barry as in me and barry going on a actual date!" Caitlin screeched

Oh I'm well aware of what this 'date' means to you both I have Been watching you two together since before you could even walk and when you two did lern to walk you walked to each other barry allen and caitlin snow the best pair of friends the world has ever seen" doreen explained

Caitlin smiled sadly "me and barry we could still be friends if all this goes wrong right? I mean nothing had to change" caitlin questioned

"To be honest honey I don't know it's upto you and barry what happens it's your lifes your future which means I can not do anything to help my ship sale"

"Ship?" Caitlin asked confused

"Yeah my OTP my favourite couple mine is you and barry I'm still trying to figure out your ship name baitlin? Carry? Snowbarry? Or maybe..." doreen was cut off.

"Grandma that's so wird why are you shipping us?" Caitlin mumbled "why is it weird is it because I'm old? Are old people not aloud ships now?" Doreen chuckled

Caitlin laughed "you can have as many ships as you want"

Caitin's phone buzzed it was barry  the text made her giggle like a love sick teenager.
Barry woke up in a very good mood he couldn't wait for there date he couldn't wait to see Caitlin.

He text caitlin saying.'hey I cant wait to see you later'

He then headed to the kitchen with a big smile on his face to make breakfast "hey barry are you doing anything with caitlin today?"

Barry smiled even bigger when his dad said caitlin's name "yeah but not until later. why?"

"What are you two doing later?" He asked

"I'm taking caitlin to dinner we are going on our first date" barry said bursting with happiness.

"Thats great barry your mum would be proud even when you were 6 your Mother loved caitlin and I know you love that girl and that she makes you happy but if you break her heart I don't think she will give you a second chance"

"I wouldn't be able to break her heart even if she wanted me to" barry addmitted.

He then got a text from Caitlin saying
'Can't wait for later either ☺'

Barry smiled 'I will pick you up at 6' he replied

Neither of them could wait for there date tonight but both of them were so scared and nervous about what could happen.

Caitlin got ready and went shopping with doreen for her date with barry while barey nervosly waited for time to pass by.

This is a short chapter.

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