Chapter 15: I just did

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Merida POV

I CANT BELIEVE THAT JACK?! He's my best friend and all that but Elsa is TOO! Breaking Elsa's heart was just so cruel of him! I swear if I see that as****e, I will murder him.And he had the gut to visit ELSA?! That shameless piece of crap! Ughh, he gets me so mad!

Elsa and Hiccup went back to the kitchen and everyone looked worried, "so... what happened..?" Punzie asked "Nothing... he said he wanted to explain but I told him I didn't want to hear it" Elsa said with a cold voice. Hiccup seems to care a lot about her, it made me frown.

I like hiccup, sure but I doubt he likes me back, I saw how he got mad at Jack. He can never get mad at him, they were practically brothers. But when Jack did that to Elsa, he got furious, I didn't show my jealousy because it would cause more drama. I just hope my mind is wrong about Hiccup liking Elsa...

"Uh... Hiccup, may I talk to you?" I ask and looked at him, he looked back at me confused but nodded his head "sure, what's it about?" He asked and I looked at the others, they were all looking at both of us. "Alone." I said and stood up, he stood up also and we went to the living room "ok, spill" he said and I sigh "do you like Elsa?" I ask and he raised an eyebrow "why...?" Unsure if he wanted to answer.

"It's just... I've been noticing that you stand up and comfort her a lot" I fake smirk so it doesn't look obvious that I like him. He looked at me and laughed "no, it's because I feel like she's my sister, ya'know?" He said and relief in my mind "but I like someone else" He added.

I felt my heart shattered into a million pieces when he said that, he likes someone else. He doesn't like me... I felt my heart being kicked and it hurts! I felt empty. "Merida... can you help me with her?" He asked and I smiled, right now it doesn't matter if he likes someone else, he is still my best friend.

"What might this guy need help with?" I snorted and laughed "I wanna confess to her but... I don't know if she likes me" he said and looked down. I raised his chin up and looked at him straight in the eyes with a serious face "Hiccup, tell me about her" I said with stern voice and he sigh "Shes this really pretty girl, shes funny! Her smile is breathtaking! And she's brave, athletic, smart! And I'm just a nerd..." his words are so beautiful! Too bad it wasn't for me.

"Hiccup you are NOT just a nerd! But how come I've never seen her?" I ask confused and I thought of something... Is he cheating on ASTRID?! "Wait! Don't answer that yet, aren't you with Astrid?! Are ya cheating on her?! I swear if you become like jack I'll kill y-" and Hiccup covered my mouth and looked down"

"No, I broke up with her 2 weeks ago... before jack cheated on elsa. I saw her kissing bunny" then he growled like a dog making fake my pity. "That's alright... you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.." giving him a warm smile "nono, you guys are my friends, I should tell.." Hiccup said.

It was awkward after that but I broke the silence "soo, who's the new girl?" I ask and he blushed here goes nothing "u-uh it's actu-" he got cut by Anna running to the living room "guys! What's taking so long?" She said with her excitement. I chuckle "nothing, be right there!" I said and she nodded and skipped away, I look back at Hiccup and touched his shoulder

"Hiccup just tell her" I gave him a warm smile "I'm sure she likes you back, your everything a girl would want, smart, funny, kind, fearless, and much more! If she doesn't like you back then she's not worth it.." I said, I swear I saw tears started forming. He gave me a big smile and took a step forward then..


























KISSED ME?!?! I felt fireworks in my head and my cheeks heated up! It's my first kiss... oh my god... YAYYAAYAYA!

About 5 seconds he pulled away, blushing, I just stared blankly at him "sorry mer, if you don't like me, I-I don't know what came to m-me" he said and I smile "mer... I really like you. That's the reason why I didn't care when Astrid broke up with me... I know that you don't like m-" I cut him off, only not with words but with a kiss. He responded and the kiss got more passionate, and I like it like that, we both pulled away and I felt my cheeks heat up "I-I l-like you too hiccup"

He stared at me in disbelief "really!?" Smile grew on his face and I nodded "YES!!" He shouted but not enough for others to hear, he hugged me and I hugged him back he pulled away with a big smile on his face like a kid who just won a lollipop, and kissed me again. After 20 or more seconds he pulled away and smirked "I could get use to this.." and I playfully punch him in the shoulder "don't get use to it too much" I said laughing.

"So, you're now future Mrs. Haddock" He said excitedly and I giggled "I'm only your girlfriend" I joke and he pouts and hugged me again "but you'll be, just you wait" he said kissing my forehead again and again.

And here I thought he didn't like me...

Hiccup POV

She's now my girlfriend?!?! The girl I've been admiring for as long as my brain could remember! I can't believe this! Omg I'm the luckiest person alive right now!! Soon to be Mrs. Haddock! I won't break her heart like Jack did...

I still can believe Jack cheated on Elsa, but he wanted to explain, I should talk to him at school or my house. We can't stay mad at each other for long can we? We are brothers After all... It's just... why? Of all people, his childhood/teenage 'buddy'.

Right now I'm not thinking about that... MERIDA IS MY FREAKING GIRLFRIEND!!
How amazing is that?! I'm gonna die...
We walked back to the kitchen and everyone was staring at us.. ohhhh nooo.

IM SO SORRY THAT I HAVEN'T UPDATED!! So much is happening That I even forgot how to walk!

J: thats not possible

Shut up jack! You broke Elsa's heart!

J: hey! You're making the story!

Shhh, I want people to be mad at you okay?


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