February 18, 2014, 10:00 a.m., Parker Residence

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I preferred not to spend too much time with the slayers When they weren't relaxing they training. When they weren't training they were out on patrol. When they weren't out on patrol they were in the midst of a serious battle. After any battle they were healing and were stuck on bed rest if it was a serious injury. Usually they didn't feel it was anything serious even when it was. So they went back to training. The only time I spent time with them was when they were relaxing, celebrating, or Frosty and Ali were attempting to train me.
I spent every night i could with the love of my life or my best friend, when they weren't out fighting. My days were spent next to a machine fighting for my life without a choice, while everyone else choose to go out every night and risk their lives to save others. Here I am sitting in bed all by myself hooked up to a machine helpless, useless. I wish I was of more use, but I'm not. I'm just a dying civilian waiting almost hoping for the end to come.
Last night I dreamt of a future with Frosty. I saw us go to college together. He became the hottest cop in the world with Cole being second best. He proposed to me at the fanciest restaurant in the whole world with the biggest ring in the world. I got to walk down the aisle with a beautiful form fitting dress. Ali was my gorgeous bridesmaid and Cole was Frosty's best man. Our kids growing up and living their own lives taking after their killer father. Growing old together and seeing our grandkids.
I couldn't handle all of the different emotions that I experienced in such a short amount of time. I broke down letting the tears fall down my cheeks. The future I saw wasn't possible I've known that my whole life. Even if I did make it to be a parent those kids would be without and a mother and be left with a broken down father. Unable to cope with my feelings I went back to sleep only to escape for a while.

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