Baby steps sequel entry

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We all piled into our van excited as we were on our way to a very special appointment. The appointment where we get to find out the gender of our fifth bundle of joy. We took a poll from the kids and it I came out that the triplets want another brother and anaise want a sister.

"Mommy, when are we going to get there I want to meet my new sister" I heard anaise call from the back seat

"Sweet pea I don't know maybe five or ten minutes, we just left our street. And what makes you think it's going to be a girl?" I answered back

"I don't know I just have a feeling that it's going to be another girl" she said confidently back to me. She isn't wrong I also have that feeling too that it will be a girl but I hope for another boy because they are much easier to deal with.

About ten minutes after my little conversation with anaise we arrived at the doctors office with about four minutes to spare before my appointment. As I got out of our van and walked closer and closer to the front doors I got increasingly nervous, although I had done this a couple times before I was still very nervous because anything could come from this; a boy on the way or another girl. Either way I would be ecstatic upon hearing the news.

As we crossed the threshold of the doctors office I noticed how it was not very busy or as busy as it usually was. I continued to walk in, my beautiful family went and sat down on the chairs in the waiting room and I went to check in at the front desk. The nurse working the desk informed me that I would be meeting with my doctor shortly and complimented me on what a wonderful family I have.

Not even five minutes later dr.David appeared in the door leading to the ultrasound rooms calling my name and looking around the room. When her eyes landed on me a warm friendly smile appeared on her face as she motioned for us to follow her into the room. We all piled into the fairly small room; I was the first to enter the room after the doctor. Once I got in I laid down on the bed and pulled up my shirt revealing my swollen belly. As I lifted up my shirt a blast of cold air hit me followed my the feeling of the cold gel that was used during the ultrasound. Once we were all set and the doctor had checked everything like my fluid levels she asked if we were all ready to find out the gender of the new baby Walters. Which I replied to with a firm yes as I truly wanted find out if we were having another beautiful girl or heart breaking boy. The doctor searched around for a moment or two and revealed to us the we were having a...
I hope you enjoyed my version of the first chapter to the sequel. It came to me quickly and I put my ideas down. I hope that you consider this to be your first chapter to your new book. I left the gender blank as it is your book but I think a boy would be a good idea.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 22, 2016 ⏰

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