chapter 1

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finally after 4 years away from my family i finally get to see them again. so i guess your wondering why im not at home with my family having fun well basically my mom is one of the most feared gang leaders in the UK. my father died when i was younger a gang wanted revenge on my mom so they decided to kill my dad, my mom decided for me not to be brought up round violence but what she doesnt know some things about living in LA.


"heyy baby sis you sound shocked"

"what the hell do u expect when u call me off a random number and your only older then me by 2 minutes"

"yh sorry about that but dont worry i got your things and im waiting outside now hurry up befor i die of frost bite"

"ok and stop being so over dramatic"

"fine just hurry"

"sure whatever bye"

as i walked out and got through a bunch of people  around my brother i finally saw him


"who the hell is shouting at me like.."


"n...n..n.. nothing"

"sure what ever can we go"


"its not my fault if you 'die of frost bite' haha" i mimicked 

 "not funny and mom wants to talk to you when we get home"

"sure come on"

It was a 2 hour drive so i decided to fall asleep in the car.

~~~~~2 hours later~~~~~~

i felt someone pick me up and started to panic 

"geez girl calm down"

"oh yh sorry i forgot i was home wheres mom"

"in her office"

"the house is still the same and anyway i'll see you later im going to mom bye triplet bro" i hugged him and kissed his cheek then went to my dads office.

"Knock knock" 

my mom opened the door abit and went pale

"Mom ..... mom are you ok?"

"emmm yes darling come in sorry i was shocked you would be back so early"

She replied hugging me 

"listen darling can we talk its really important"

"yh mom sure"

i hope she hasn't found out about LA they was all on the plane with me and are coming soon.

soon my brother walked in.

"sis im sorry she did this to you" she said crying

"what are you crying about? and what has she done to me?" 


my brother yelled and walked out.

"Mom whats he on about? he never shouts at you like that unless its about  someone he cares about"

"listen darling im sorry"

"Mom sorry for what? JUST TELL ME"

"i sold you"

sold to a gang leader will he change for me?Where stories live. Discover now