(11) Lets Play

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Toni laid next to me fast asleep with a sheet covering half of her body. How could someone look so beautiful sleeping? Toni softly smiled in her sleep and I couldn't help but smile too. She shifts in her sleep automatically placing her left leg over me.


The alert of one of the main doors in the house opening quickly makes me fall out of bed.

"Toni. Baby you've got to get up. Please Toni."

I softly whispered in her ear but all she did was smile in her sleep. I quickly grabbed my boxers and peeped out of my bedroom door. I could hear talking downstairs sounds like it's from the library. I rushed back to Toni grabbing her arms but she pulled me closer to her. I softly pecked her lips then bit her neck.

"Baby girl Thomas is home."

Toni's eyes shot open and she pushed me off of her. She got up quickly dressing herself and heading for the door. She walked out quietly shutting the door behind her. I walked back to my bed to hear my door open. Toni quickly ran to me and passionately kissed me.

"You have minty morning breath." Toni chuckled before running off to her room.

Thomas wanted to have brunch this morning together as a family. It was odd to sit at a table with him.

"So dear I was thinking this weekend we get away before the banquet. We can go to Jamaica or somewhere else tropical."

"Is Kenny coming...I want to make it a family trip." Toni quickly says the last part. Thomas looks at her and then at me. "I don't see why not. It'll be a great time for a little father and son bonding time." I slightly smile at Thomas before he looks down at his food. I wink at Toni and sexual lick my tongue at her.

"This is going to be great! Finally time with the two most important people in my life! Kenny I really want us to have an amazing bond. I know I've missed so much and I want you to know what's mine is yours."

Thomas gestures his hands in the air. I look at Toni who's slightly blushing. After brunch Toni and Thomas headed into the city to shop. Then we had dinner as a family.

"Guesthouse at 12." I mouthed to Toni and she nodded her head.


"I thought you weren't coming." Kenny said while pulling me into a tight embrace.

In all honestly I wasn't but this boy has a hold on me. Thomas always sleeps with a tight grip on me but tonight it was extra tight.

"I can't stay long because Thomas might come looking for me." Kenny looked down at me and smiled. "You're too young to worry so much. You're 23 and live life like a 65 year old woman. Everything is scheduled minute by minute, day by day. I know that's not you it's Thomas. You want to live, be wild and fucked like never before." Kenny trailed his index finger up and down my body as he whispered in my ear.

My body was aching just from his words. What's going on with me? Words have never made me so wet. I need him in me now!

I grabbed the back of Kenny's head and pulled him into a fiery kiss. Our tongues wrestled for control and Kenny won. Kenny pulled away and took some dice out of his pocket.

"Lets play a game. Instead of us doing our own thing we should let the dice tell us." Kenny smirked and placed the dice on the table.

"Ohhh no Kenny. The things on these dice are super wild." I quickly put the dice down and look away. "Please can we just roll the dice once. I promise you'll enjoy yourself." Kenny begs and I nod my head. He smiles and bites my bottom lip starting a very intense make out session.

I take the dice and shake them. I decided to roll both and show Kenny I wasn't afraid. I rolled the dice and one fell on the floor. The first one was the position which was 69. The second was the location which was on the roof.

"Oh no Kenny that's too much! The roof I can't!"

"Come on baby I promise not to be loud." Kenny says pulling me and I giggle. "You promise?" Kenny picks me up and laughs.

After a lot of hesitation we finally got on the roof. It was amazing how far I could see. I've never realized how amazing the view was until now. Kenny spread the blanket out and smiled at me.

"You know we don't have to do what the dice said. It was a joke unless you're down." Kenny smirked and I rolled my eyes.

"Great because I-" Kenny kissed me and stuck his finger into my boy shorts. He rubbed me and slowly inserted 2 fingers. He pulled them out and my eyes shot open.

"Taste yourself." Kenny placed one finger in his mouth and the other to mine. I stared at the finger and slowly licked Kenny's finger before slipping it into my mouth.

Before I knew Kenny's mouth was attached to my aching core and he had me going crazy. Every second I was trying to push his head away but he had a tight grip on me. Our eyes locked and my body lost control. Still Kenny continued and I couldn't control my moans.

"Don't hold it in baby let them know how I make you feel." Kenny pulled back a lot but not enough that I didn't feel any vibration from him talking. "Fuckkkkk!" I yelled and Kenny laughed sending a huge vibration through my body.

"Yesss! Yes! Right there! I'm almost there!"

"I can't hear you." Kenny teased and stopped.

"Kenny what are you doing? Don't stop I was so close!"

"I know but you're going let me know how much you want this. So tell me how bad you want it?"

I pushed Kenny's head back down and my hips started to grind into his face. Kenny looked up at me and winked as I tossed my head back.

"Mmm baby right there! Yess lick the soul out of me! I'm yours forever baby! Aaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh fuck!"

My body shook as my eyes began to slightly close. Kenny laid beside me pulling me into him after spreading a blanket over us. I look up at the moon and stars as the shine brightly down on us.

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