17: Bad

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Hey everyone! I'm excited about this chapter. Hopefully you will all like it as well. In my opinion I think that after this chapter, Harley and Ivy are going to be stronger.

Sorry about the needle!!

Anyway! On with the chapter!

:-{ D


"How's da plant going red?" Harley asked, looking over Ivy's shoulder. "It's going great. My research is almost complete. If this works and the research center in Gotham like this, I could get a job!" Ivy said excitedly. "That's amazing red! You're so clevah" Harley cooed. Ivy smiled. Ivy swung the chair round so then her whole body faced Harley. Harley sat on Ivy's knee, wrapping her arms round Ivy's neck. Ivy wrapped her arms round Harley's waist. "But right now, I think it's time for me to have a break. Shall we get some lunch?" Ivy suggested. Harley smiled and nodded. Ivy smiled at Harley. Harley then planted a long kiss on Ivy's lips. When Harley pulled her lips away, she smiled down at Ivy. "Love ya red" Harley said. "Love you too Harl" Ivy replied.

Harley stood up and Ivy turned back to her table. "Could you carefully take this plant and put it at the back of the greenhouse on the desk for me?" Ivy asked. "Course red! I'll be very careful!" Harley exclaimed happily. Ivy smiled and carefully gave Harley the plant. Harley walked off carefully with the plant while Ivy wrote down some notes. Harley carefully carried the plant to the back of the greenhouse. She placed the plant down on the desk carefully. Ivy closed her notebook, stood up and stretched. Harley smiled at the plant, straightening it up on the desk. The plant were green and purple. It had a lot of spikes so Harley needed to be careful She moved her hands away but a spike from the plant caught the back of her left hand. Harley yelped and backed up. A drop of blood fell onto the desk. "You okay Harl?" Ivy called. "Yeah red" Harley called back. Harley saw a bit of blood from the cut. She raised her hand to her face and began to suck the blood away with her mouth.

The following morning, Ivy was in the kitchen. Ivy had gotten up before Harley because she wanted to finish off her research today. She finished breakfast and laid them out on the table. "Harl! Breakfast!" Ivy called. Ivy sat down and looked through her notes with one hand and ate with her other hand. Harley entered the kitchen and sat down. "No need to shout, I was coming" Harley mumbled as she began to eat her breakfast. "Sorry, how are you this morning?" Ivy asked. Harley shrugged. "I'm fine" Harley replied. Ivy looked at Harley weirdly. "You sure Harl?" Ivy said. "Yes! Jeez! Get off my back will ya!" Harley yelled. Ivy was surprised at Harley's sudden outburst. Harley stood up and grabbed her breakfast. "I'm going to watch TV" Harley stated before leaving the room with her breakfast.

After finishing her breakfast, Ivy went into the living room. "Hey Harl, are you helping me out still today?" Ivy asked. "Nah" Harley replied, staring at the TV. "Okay... Could you wash the breakfast pots for me?" Ivy said. Harley groaned and looked at Ivy. "What am I?! Your servant?! This is your house, do it yourself!" Harley told her. 

This was the second time Ivy was surprised. "Harl, what's going on?" Ivy asked softly. "Nothing" Harley mumbled, looking back at the TV. "Please baby, talk to me" Ivy pleaded, sitting next to Harley. "I'm fine" Harley sighed impatiently. "I don't know what's wrong Harl. Things have been great this past month. We've become so close and now that Joker-" Ivy began. "Oh that's it!" Harley interrupted, jumping up from the sofa and facing Ivy. Ivy stared up at Harley in confusion. "I wondered how long it would be until you bring up him! All I do is help you and clean! I'd be better off with Joker!" Harley yelled, waving her hands about. "Bu-Harl" Ivy stuttered. "Just leave me alone for once! Jeez!" Harley yelled before storming out the room. Ivy sat their in disbelief.

Ivy sat at her desk in the greenhouse as she thought about what had happened. Something was wrong. Ivy stood up and walked to the back of the greenhouse. As she thought, questions and thoughts ran through her head. "Why would Harley say those things? Her attitude is so negative. It's as if she's angry at me for no reason. This isnt like her at all" Ivy thought. Ivy arrived at her desk. She saw the plant and was about to pick it up but paused when she saw a drop of dried up blood on the desk. Ivy slowly ran her finger over it and closed her eyes. She then flashed back to earlier

"I wondered how long it would be until you bring up him! All I do is help you and clean! I'd be better off with Joker!" Harley yelled, waving her hands about. Ivy remembered seeing a cut on the back of Harley's hand.

Ivy's eyes shot open. She grabbed the plant and quickly went to her other desk. She spent the next fifteen minutes running tests until she came to a realization. "The plant cut her and it's affected her!" Ivy exclaimed. Ivy knew what she needed to do. Ivy opened her note book and read through her previous notes before getting to work.

An hour went by. Harley walked into the kitchen to get herself her drink. She opened the fridge. Before she could take anything out of the fridge, Ivy jumped her from behind. "What the hell!?" Harley yelled. Harley managed to get away from Ivy. She stared at Ivy angrily. "Harl, I need to help you" Ivy said. "Help me!? With what?! Oh I know! I'm stupid! I need help because I'm an idiot and a child! That's what you're thinking isn't it?!" Harley shouted. Ivy did her best to block out Harley's hurtful words. 

Ivy went to attack again. Both girls got into a scuffle, trying to overpower each other. They both lost their balance and fell to the floor. Ivy fell on her side, hurting her arm. Ivy quickly grabbed Harley and pinned her down. Harley began kicking and yelling furiously, trying to squirm free. Ivy quickly pulled out a needle with some green liquid in it. She quickly jabbed it into Harley's arm which caused her to scream. Ivy got all the green liquid into Harley's arm before pulling out the needle. She threw the needle to the side and waited for it to take full effect. Slowly Harley calmed down until she fell asleep. Ivy breathed a sigh of relief.

Harley slowly opened her eyes. She found herself in the bedroom. Harley was lying in the bed. She looked around at her surroundings and saw Ivy sitting beside her. Ivy stood up and sat on the edge of the bed, right next to Harley. Ivy smiled slightly at the blonde. "I hurt you" Harley said, realizing and remembering everything. "Nothing broken, my arm is a little sore" Ivy shrugged. Harley started to tear up. "I'm so sorry red, I couldn't control what I was saying! All the bad in me just came out and it made me hate you. I don't red, I don't hate you!" Harley cried, tears streaming from her eyes. Ivy smiled slightly. "Harl, I love you so very much. And I know you did not mean it" Ivy said softly. Harley stared up at Ivy. She sniffed as tears fell from her eyes. "It was so horrible red... I-I couldn't control what was coming out. I said so many bad things to you and I-I'm sorry, I'm so sorry!" Harley went on. She covered her face and eyes with her hands. Ivy moved and laid beside Harley. She wrapped her arms round Harley. Harley buried her head in Ivy's chest as she continued to cry. "It's okay baby, it's okay" Ivy reassured softly, hugging Harley tightly. 


I liked the idea for this chapter and I do believe that they are much stronger than before. Very interesting this chapter and I hope you all liked it too.

Sorry about the needle!! (For those who hate needles)

Next chapter is titled: "My Valentine" (which is such huge spoilers haha, guess what it's about hahaha). See you all in the next chapter!

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