Twilight. The Foster Cullens Chapter 12

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When Bella hears about the Volturi, she begins to panick. Esme sences Bella's emotion about her actions."Bella sweetie it's okay", says Esme.
"I'm just scared for my family", says Bella.
"We're just concerned for you Bella", says Esme.
"I've noticed", says Bella.
Bella runs to her room where Alice is.
"Bella you okay", asks Alice.
"No, I want to protect my family and I'm going to", says Bella.
Alice steps out of the room and returns to see Bella gone.
"Esme. Carlisle, Bella's gone", says Alice.
"Where'd she go", asks Esme.
Alice zones out.
"She's going to the Volturi", says Alice.
Carlisle, Edward, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice leave.
They arrive in Volturia where they see Bella.
"Bella stop", says Edward.
Bella runs, but stops as Edward and Emmett catch her.
"Let me go", says Bella.
"No, the Volturi will kill you if you turn yourself in", says Edward.
"They won't stop until all of you are dead", says Bella.
Bella breaks free and sees Jane and Alec.
"Well if it isn't Bella", says Jane.
"You're dead", says Bella.
Jane sees Bella become a shield and she watches Bella kill Alec.
"You'll pay for that Bella", says Jane.
"Why, you're already dead", says Bella.
Every single Cullen, Denali, and Amazonian clan arrives.
"Aro", screams Jane.
Bella beheads Jane.
The Cullen's, Denali, and Amazonian Clan see Aro and the other Volturi arrive.
"Get ready", screams Carlisle.
The Volturi members are all killed, including Aro, who was killed by Edward and Bella. They celebrate a small victory now that the Volturi has been destroyed at last.

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