Fifty Shades of Family 6

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Four hours later


“Christian will you quit with the pacing! It’s really not helping!” I yelled at my brother. “Christ anyone would think it was you who was having a baby.” His hair was sticking straight up because he’s been running his hands through it for the past four hours. Yep that’s right, four hours and still no babies. Well there was some woman down the corridor from me that got here about an hour ago and she’s already had her baby. Bitch.

On the way to the hospital Christian had called Dr Greene and she had said that she would be at the hospital before we arrived. He then is parents and Grace said she would be there as soon as she could. Taylor didn’t stay under the speed limit for most of the short journey but I drove the car so well it I still felt perfectly safe.

When we got to the hospital Christian was freaking out more than me. He’s yelled at countless nurses and doctors and even made one of them cry. If he was anyone else he would have been arrested for verbally abusing hospital staff but because he is Christian Grey CEO of Grey Enterprises Holdings Inc everyone just left him to it.

When Dr Greene get to me she examined me and asked me crap loads of questions, like was I doing anything that could have triggered early labour. I told her that unless sucking the face of off Charlie could have caused it then no. I asked her whether it was my fault that I was going into early labour; she said no, it could happen to anyone and it is more likely to happen to women who are having more than one baby. She said she would be back every half hour to check on me unless there was a drastic change.

Charlie hadn’t left my side from the second we were in the elevator back at Escala. I don’t even think she’s let go of my hand. I felt kind of sorry for her to be honest because each time I had a contraction I would squeeze the shit out of her hand but she didn’t say a word about it and she didn’t let go. I felt for sure that I had broken her hand on my last contraction but she assured me she was okay.

Ana was sat outside with Taylor, Sawyer and Phil. I didn’t understand why we had to have three body guards here with us. It’s not like we’re not in a safe place, I mean were in a freaking hospital, can’t get much safer than that.

Just then Dr Greene came in smiling at all of us. What the fuck you smiling at bitch! “How are you feeling Samantha?” she asks me.

“Yeah I’m just peachy. How the fuck do you think I’m feeling?” I yelled at her.

“Samantha you watch your language.” Christian warned.

I sighed and closed my eyes counting to ten. Then I opened my eyes again and said, “I’m sorry doc.”

“That’s okay. Shall we see how you’re doing?” she asked me.

I looked over to the bag of nerves that is my brother. “Christian, scoot.”

“No way Sam, I’m staying here.” He said firmly.

“Um, no you’re not. You can come back in when the doc is done.” I told him.

He sighed and walked out the room.

“Okay then.” Dr Greene said. She went ahead with her examination and I just sat silently hoping she would say I was ready to go ahead and pop. “Still only four centimetres I’m afraid Samantha.” she said once she was done.

“What? You said that an hour ago.” I let my head fall back and I felt like crying. “This is so not fair.” I mumbled.

“Well if it helps Samantha a lot of moms to be are in labour for more than ten hours and still might not be as fair as you are now.”

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