2.6K 57 30

luke5sos: morning ley

fivesauceloveee: luke!!!

luke5sos: leyla!!!

fivesauceloveee: im so glad you're here

luke5sos: of course i am here

luke5sos: like i said last night, i love talking to you!

fivesauceloveee: omg

fivesauceloveee: ok, so there's this guy

fivesauceloveee: he just joined my school and he's so hot

fivesauceloveee: like i don't fancy him but he is great to stare at you know

fivesauceloveee: i have no friends to discuss this with so you're my new friend to talk boy talk with

fivesauceloveee: talk boys with me

luke5sos: um ok

luke5sos: actually i don't really want to

- -


always too good to be true.

7391 retweets | 13.4k likes
27 Feb 18   12:03pm

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