The Wrath That Is Chelsea

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Chapter 22: The Wrath That Is Chelsea 

~Liam's Pov~

I immediately stopped chewing the deliciously warm pizza as the words left her mouth. I swallowed slowly. I sat there silently and watched as Chelsea attacked Shae in a hug, happy words tumbling out her mouth. I watched as Zayn wrapped his arm around Shae's waist when Chelsea finally moved away.

Distantly, I heard Harry and Niall arguing about the last slice of pizza, and normally I would be the one to stop them but... I'm not even sure why I'm not. I just couldn't stop watching the both of them and feel like something was wrong.

Shae looked over at me and her smile slowly got smaller, worry clouded her eyes. I quickly gave her one of my brightest smiles, at least that's what I hope it was. She returned the smile but I knew she was still worried, she could read me like an open book and she loves books so much that it's scary.

"This is great," I said as I gave her a one armed hugged, and when I pulled back she literally beamed at me but she still looked a bit worried. I knew she was happy with Zayn but something didn't feel right.

By this time everyone was finished eating and was now holding empty plates or cups. I stood up and started to collect the dishes from Niall, Chelsea and Harry. "Liam, you didn't have to do that," I heard Shae say from behind me.

"It's alright."

"Fine, then I'll help," she said and when I turned around, she was already on her feet with the dishes from Zayn, Louis, Diana and Alyssa in her hands. We walked silently to the kitchen. She put the wares in the sink and I followed her actions. Then I started to soap the plates and she would rinse them. We repeated the actions for the cups. Halfway through she broke the silence.

"What's going?" she asked, the worry seeping through her voice even though I knew she was trying to hide it from me.

"Nothing that I know about," I shrugged.


"Shae..." I mocked her and she rolled her eyes.

"I know something's wrong," she said.

"But I don't know what you're talking about," I lied. She let out a long sigh as she dried her hands in the kitchen towel.

"I thought you would've been alright with this, happy even, but you don't seem to be. And don't lie to me Liam," she said the last part as I opened my mouth to reply. "You know I trust your judgment because most of the times you're right, take Zach for example. So if you think this is wrong.... let me know now, before it's too late," she mumbled the last part and I knew she was upset.

My instincts immediately kicked in and I pulled her to my chest. My arms wrapped around her shoulders as she clutched the front of my shirt and buried her head in my chest. She said something into my chest but I didn't quite understand it because it was muffled.


She pulled back and sighed. "Nothing just... your opinion really matters to me," she said and then wiped away a few loose tears.

"I know, it's because I'm that awesome," I grinned and she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, sure..."

"It's true though. Now I demand you to smile or I will be forced to use my awesomeness against you," I said with my arms crossed against my chest.

"You can't make me!"

"You wanna bet?"

"I already know you can't," she said but I could see a hint of doubt in her eyes.

"Fine, I can't," Shae smiled triumphantly," but... I know someone who can," I continued.

"You wouldn't dare..."

"Oh, but I would," I said. She started to say my name but I spun around so that I faced the door. "Chel-" I started but stopped when I felt Shae jump onto my back. Her hand covering my mouth. I tried to call Chelsea again but my voice was muffled so I knew that she didn't hear me. An idea sparked in my brain. I opened my mouth and licked the palm of her hand. She pulled back and got off my back. I turned to look at her.

"Oh my geed!" she yelled and then she started to wipe her hand on my shoulder repeatedly. When she stopped, she looked at her palm as if she was expecting a green flesh-eating disease to appear.

"What the hell is going on?" Chelsea asked as she walked through the door. Shae slowly inched toward the brunette and placed the hand I licked on Chelsea's shoulder.

"Nothing. Nothing at all," Shae said slowly as she rubbed Chelsea's shoulder. I chuckled and shook my head.

"What are you wiping on me?" Chelsea questioned.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Shae replied and then started to back out of the room slowly.

"What was it?" Chels asked me.

"My saliva."

Her eyes widened. "Shae!" she screamed and ran out of the kitchen.

I followed behind her. I watched from the doorway of the living room as Chelsea chased Shae around the room. The black haired girl then ran past me and to the stairs, Chelsea not to far behind. Shae was halfway up the steps before Chelsea grabbed her leg and she fell. She rolled onto her back and Chelsea dragged her back down the steps. There were a series of "ow's" coming from Shae's mouth but Chelsea ignored them. The brunette dragged my best friend back to the living room and when she past in front of me, Shae grabbed my leg.

"Save me," she cried with a pouty face but I just shook my head, a smile on my face. This was way too amusing.

Isn't that supposed to be your best friend?!

Yeah... why?

Shouldn't you really be helping her?

Yeah I should, but if I do then I'll have to face the wrath that is Chelsea.

Ohhhh..... well then never mind, she scares the crap out of me

Of course she does!

Shut. Up. -_-

The conversation that I was having deep inside my brain got cut off by a scream. I looked at the floor to see Chelsea on her back with Shae pinning her down with her left hand as she shook her right hand in pain. Everyone else was laughing and looked a lot like retarded seals.

"YOU BIT ME!" Shae exclaimed and started to attack Chelsea. The doorbell rang then and no one made a move to go answer it.

"So... I'll just go get that, you know... since everyone else is sooooo busy," I said but nobody took there eyes away from the arguing/fighting pair on the floor. I moved to the door and didn't bother looking through the peephole before pulling open the door. Bigest mistake I have ever made so far in my life. I stared, dumbfounded, at the person in front of me. You would think that after everything that happened, he would know to stay away and keep as much distance between himself and  here. Keep the most distance from her.

So I asked a very simple question before he could speak. "What are you doing here, Zach?"

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