Meeting the Doctor

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Quick guide. Italics mean that its a thought that a character is having. Italics will also mean sign language. Bold means a computer-generated voice and announcements. Please please do not judge my music preferences and the songs I mention.

When Sloan was 6 years old, a blue box fell out of the sky. It was a special thing, that blue box, it contained a man. A very special man. A man called the Doctor. Little did six-year-old Sloan know that the Doctor would be one of the most important people in her life.


Sloan sat at the library engrossed in her favorite book series. Well, her favorite book in said series. 'Ghost Huntress: The Counseling' by Marley Gibson.  At least she was engrossed in it until she felt a hand on her shoulder. She jumped in fright her hand went to her heart as she looked at the person who had frightened her.

"Didn't mean to frighten you, but have you noticed anything strange going on around here?" A man with big ears and a leather jacket said.

Sloan looked at him in confusion. Strange? Nothing strange ever happened in Leadworth, other than the duck pond without ducks and the crack that was her bedroom wall. Thankfully that was taken care of many years ago. Seeing as he was watching her waiting for an answer, Sloan reached into her bag and pulled out a notebook and a pen.

"Strange? Not that I noticed," She wrote to him in her notebook and held it up to the man. He looked at the book before looking back to her.

The man seemed surprised at her reply, "oh I'm sorry are you deaf?" He asked genuinely concerned that he made assumptions.

"Not deaf, can't talk," She quickly wrote out,"sign Language? Easier. You can talk still."

"Oh, right, yes I do understand sign language. I'm the Doctor by the way."

"The Doctor? As in blue police box the Doctor?"  Sloan asked because she wondered about the face. His eyes widened in surprise. How would she know about the TARDIS?  He thought to himself. He quickly hid his shock.

"How do you know that?"

"Your face... It's older than the one I've seen and different, but your eyes are younger than the Doctor I know." Sloan told him. It was true the Doctor she had met, the one that crashed into her backyard had a younger face. If he was shocked at that revelation, he didn't show it. He stared at Sloan curiously.

"I never got your name." He said trying to sort through all the information he was given. She got out her notebook again and wrote her name. He looked at it and nodded. "Nice to meet you, Sloan. Now, are you sure nothing strange happened around here?"

"Nothing more strange than when I met you for the first time," she told him and what a day that was. He quirked an eyebrow but she hadn't continued in that thought but he left it alone. If it actually was him then it must have been a future self, he was sure of it as he had never seen this girl in his life before. "Can I go with you? If you don't want me to that's fine, it's just that I never get to do anything. My sister is really..."

"Travel with me? I don't know."

"Please? I want to go out somewhere and I already know the box can travel in time. Also that it had a swimming pool, in the library?"  Sloan begged. She was afraid if she didn't leave now she would never get to leave. Her sister was dead set on waiting for a man that may never come back. He may have promised, but Sloan was used to broken promises. Her life was full of them.

"Alright fine, but hurry up, I am not going to wait all day!" The Doctor conceded. Sloan grinned and told him to wait as she ran to her house so she could grab something very important to her. Her baby blanket, which didn't count as a baby blanket as it was too large for it to be. She got the blanket when she was about four years old. She also grabbed the bag she kept packed in the floorboard in her closet. Then she was ready to go.

The Doctor and Sloan (The Doctor and Sloan Series book 1)Where stories live. Discover now