25. I'm Mrs Williams Now

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Hello!!!! HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL. If I remember correctly I started writing "Billionaire's LOVE or OBSESSION" during Christmas holidays last year. When I started I never thought that this book will ever get 5k views and people will add it into their reading lists.

So today I would like to thank you all for your support. May all you have very wonderful year and very very auspicious New year to all.

Please click that orange star after reading.

New cover by PriyankaGhosh6 thanks for lovely cover.
Susan's P.O.V.

Sometimes it's crazy how much our life changes with small incidents. Strangely enough that many time big events of life even can't effect us that much compare to that small yet effective incidents.

I still remember the time when I used be quite too quite I am always a person with few friends. I used to open up with only two people first Lisa and another Adrian. I used to think that, if I can trust someone other than my parents, who will listen to me,  I can share problems with, who will protect me is Adrian. I didn't ever thought that one day he will backstab me the way he did.

Now after finding out that he cheated on me, I just have bottle everything inside my mind and have full control of myself. I want to trust Xavier the man I marry, the man with so many secrets and so many  people around him. Sometimes I think that he'll forget about me as time will pass by in this crowd around him, but he always proves me wrong heusually findsds his way to me.

When I was in relationship with Adrian he always used to bring my mistakes in front of me again and again.

Eventually he used to apologize later. Everyone have opinion that we are not made for each other, but I thought opposite. I guess I motivated me more to prove everyone wrong satisfy my ego. Even he used to just shrug it off.

We had a theory, if we are happy together then hell with what people think. When dad first caught us cuddling behind tree in the park he was furious. He banned me from seeing Adrian.

In order to obey dad, I did avoid him, but his habit of approaching me without being afraid of dad made me feel braver. But I guess all does not go right just due to one person, one obsessed freak idiot Ryan that stupid boy cross his limits that day.

Day that became my last day of school life. I was alone on the way to home from school, Adrian was in New York since last week. But was returning back today and was keeping it secret at what time he will be back. I was so excited to meet him. I bake chocolate chip cookies for him. It's winter coming and I was riding my cycle. I pass the coffee shop and I decided to get one I'm freezing so its ok.

I sat down at the corner near the window shop was not much crowded only few people. I get myself extra cream latte. I texted my mom that I'll be little late. I was drinking when someone sat in front of me, I place my mug down to find Ryan looking at me intently. I was in urge to roll my eyes at him. Before, that he blurted out.

"I'm Sorry" What the hell, I gave him a quizzical gaze

"I'm sorry for troubling you so much. I know you are with Adrian, but Susan don't you think it's unfair you never properly gave me a chance? " He said Adrian's name like he's some dirt. Not again when will he stop.

"Chance really? Why should I give you one? I know you are the one who told dad about me and Adrian that day when he caught us. I felt so humiliated just because of you. " Yes, I did it. For months I'm planning to do it. He deserve it.

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