Scary Movie

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You were with (C/N) at your house, and he kept insisting that you guys watch a scary movie. You hated scary movies, but he loved them. To make it worse, it was nighttime, and it was pitch black outside. (C/N) wanted to turn the lights off for more "effect." You were not looking forward to this at all.

You and (C/N) were in your bed and he was scrolling through Netflix.

"Ooh, I found a good one!" he said excitedly.

"Oh no, what is it?" you asked nervously.

"(scary/movie)," he said smirking.

"No!" you exclaimed.

"Come on (Y/N), it's not even that scary," he insisted.

"You're right, it's not scary. It's terrifying," you said.

"You can hold my hand if you're scared," he said.

You quickly slipped your hand into his and took a deep breath. "Okay, I'm ready."

He looked at you. "No you're not."

"Well you're still gonna make me watch it anyway!" you exclaimed, throwing your arms in the air.

"Don't worry (Y/N), I'm right here."

"Just turn on the movie," you said.

He turned it on, and the beginning was already terrifying. You used your free arm to wrap it around his arm and you buried your face in his shoulder.

He took his hand and lifted your head off his shoulder. "It's not fun if you don't actually watch the movie, love," he said smiling.

You sighed and looked at the screen. Then, there was a jump scare. You screamed and hid your face in his shoulder again. He just laughed and stroked your hair. You wrapped your arms tightly around his torso, holding on for dear life. Then, you fell asleep, despite how scared you were, his shoulder was just too comfortable. Plus, you were extremely tired from the long day you had with (C/N).

~ ~ ~

You woke up to his face right in front of you. You nearly jumped, screamed, and had a mini-heart attack.

"Calm down, (Y/N), it's just me!"

"I can't believe you made me watch that stupid movie," you grumbled.

"You didn't even watch it. It was a really good movie, actually," he replied.

"I'm gonna have nightmares for the rest of my life," you whined.

"Come here," he said, taking you into his arms. He played with your hair until you drifted off to sleep again.

And no, you did not have nightmares. Probably because you were in (C/N)'s arms, where you felt safe.

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