At Simon's Home

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Something was wrong. Simon couldn't say how, but he just knew something was wrong with Josh. Having known the boy for so long, no words needed to be spoken for the blond to get a feeling that not all was right in Josh's world.

Well, a lot wasn't right in Josh's world but that was all stuff he had been dealing with for years. So when he noticed the slight edge is friend had about him, the slightly more terse answers and the slightly less real smiles, he just knew something new had arisen. What though, he had no idea.

All the lads were around his playing cod that night; there were take-away boxes spread out around them on the floor and all the Diet Coke and Dr Pepper they could want. Vik had just got the final kill in the round with a knife and both Simon and Josh had both sung the words "what a man, what a man" whilst doing the same weird dance move.

The others had laughed hysterically at them and it had left Vik shaking his head in wonder. "Okay you two freak me out sometimes," he said while the duo high fived.

"Don't be jel, be reem," Josh said back, before standing up to go and clear up some of the mess in the kitchen. Simon smiled. That was why Josh was his parents favourite, because a lot of the time he would leave the house cleaner than he found it.

Seeing an opportunity to talk to the boy separately, Simon got up and followed him. It was an open plan room, with no wall dividing the living room from the kitchen, but it would give them a bit of privacy. It may be a little bit of a boast but Simon knew if Josh was going to open up to anyone about problems he was having, it would be him. The others didn't call them the duo for nothing.

"Hey you alright?" he asked tentatively as he watched Josh begin to put the plates in the dishwasher.

His friend spun around, surprised to see Simon there. "Yeah," he said automatically, too quick for Simon's liking. "Why wouldn't I be?"

Simon shrugged. "I don't know and I never do with you, not until you tell me yourself at least." The boy was like a closed book.

Josh waved him off. "I'm fine mate," he insisted.

Simon could see through the lie instantly. He may have had the others fooled but not him. He knew he couldn't push Josh to say anything though.

"You know you're my best friend, don't you Josh?"

The other boy laughed at that comment until he turned back and saw how serious Simon was being. He gave a little nod. "I know," he replied quietly.

"And you know I never have and never will judge you for anything," the blond continued, moving to stand closer to Josh.

The dark haired boy let out a small laugh. "Yeah I know that too." His hazel eyes looked up to meet Simon's, and for a brief glimpse the other boy honestly believed they were the most open he had ever seen them. Every bit of hurt was visible for a few brief seconds in those orbs.

But then Josh looked away and Simon's shoulders sagged in defeat. "It's just the stuff with my mum y'know," Josh vaguely admitted. "I don't think her new meds are working out that well for her."

Simon nodded. He knew the love Josh felt for his mum sometimes caused him more pain than anything else. But still sensed that wasn't the full issue here; that the other boy was hiding something else from him.

"Oi! You two lovebirds done making out yet?" Ethan called out to them from the living room and he two boys shared an amused look. Simon knew exactly what Josh was thinking and went along with it, pulling the slightly smaller boy into his arms.

"What you saying about me and bae?" he questioned, pretending to sound angry.

"Yeah," Josh piped up. "Leave me and boo alone."

Their little skit brought out more cackles of laughter from the younger boys and the two pulled apart.

"Yeah we're coming," Josh told them, as he walked back to join them.

Simon sighed once more. That conversation hadn't given him nearly as much information as he hoped it would. Damn Josh for being so stubborn when it came to his true feelings. But then again, he thought, there would always be another games night or maybe when they were at the park, when he could try and talk to Josh again.

He'd just have to wait until next time, Simon decided as he walked back to the others too.

Little did he know that the next time wouldn't come, and that that little chat with Josh would be the last one on one conversation anyone would have with the boy for a very long time.

Sorry for the long wait! Been busy with school and stuff

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