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Nick's POV

So Prison isn't good. I've been in here for a few hours and I haven't exactly got along with the others prisoners. And I'm the youngest person here.

It might not have helped that I was screaming Olivia's name until one of the prisoners punched me in the face for disrespecting their princess.

Don't ask me what I did wrong.

I also heard Olivia crying upstairs. We must be right under her room or she must be really upset.

"What room are we under?" I asked the one prisoner that seemed to not hate me. He beckoned me over and I went to sit by him. He didn't look that much older and looked to be Daniel and Victoria's age.

"We're under Olivia's room." He whispered. "Do you know her?" I ask. "No, but I do know her sister. Victoria and I were in love, but her father didn't approve since I wasn't royal and I had a tattoo." He said, pointing at the numbers on his arm.

"What do the numbers mean?" I ask. "It's the date of the best day of my life. When my little sisters were born. Twins." He said.

"The name's Blake Jenson. I'm from Malibu, California." He said. "Nick Carewood. Manhattan, New York." I say and we shake hands.

"How long have you been here?" I asked. "Since I asked permission to marry Victoria. That was five months ago." He said.

"Seriously?" I ask. "Seriously. King Richard is rough around the edges, but he does care about his kids. He just has a weird way of showing it. When it came to Victoria, he was terrified that he was gonna lose her like he lost Olivia. So when any guy went out with her, even if it was someone he approves of, he got protective." Blake tells me.

"How'd you get thrown into jail?" I ask. I wasn't really paying attention to him because I was focused on Olivia. I could slowly hear her crying being replaced with even breathing. She had fallen asleep.

"I'm sorry Blake, I got distracted." I say. "It's okay. I was framed for stealing a solid gold picture frame. I didn't do it. I think the King framed me." He said.

"That's exactly why I'm in here." I said. "Why would the king want to frame you?" He asked. "Because I love Olivia and I have a few tattoos." I answered.

"You mean she's back?" He asked me. I nodded. "But there's something you should know. Olivia's only back because Victoria is sick." I say.

"Victoria's sick?!" He asked worriedly. "Yea. Olivia says it's something called Illeos. What is that?" I say.

"I don't know. I didn't grow up in Taaron." He said. "Right." I say. He looks extremely worried about Victoria and I felt bad for him.

The girl he loved was extremely sick upstairs and he was down here, unable to be there for her.

"How long had you and Victoria known each other?" I ask. "A year. I'd known it the second I laid eyes on her. She was the one. The woman I would love for the rest of my life." He said. "You believe in soulmates?" I ask curiously.

"Yea. Thanks to my mom. Violet Jenson the surfer. You?" He said. "I just do. Olivia doesn't for some reason though." I say.

"She used to, but something happened and she doesn't anymore." He told me. "Do you know what?" I asked. "I think her boyfriend got her pregnant and then left her." He said. "Michael did this to her?!" I asked angrily.

"Yep." He said and I clenched my fists, shaking my head angrily. "Interesting tattoo." He suddenly said and I looked to see him looking at the weird swirls on my arm.

"Yea. I got it last Summer." I say. "Cool." He said and the guards said something in Spanish.

"What did they say? Do you know?" I ask. "They're talking about how Olivia had fought her father to try and get to you. She's locked in her bedroom now. Apparently her parents are preparing to force her into marriage." He tells me.

"What?! No way she's going along with that. She wouldn't." I said. "She's not gonna have a choice. Knowing her father, she'll be married on Christmas Eve whether she likes it or not. With her hurting so much, she's not gonna fight back as much as she normally would." He said.

"No. No, they can't do that to her." I said and start to bang on the bars. I have to get out. I have to save her. I know I'm making a ruckus because there are like ten guys surrounding the cell so that I can't escape. Not that I'm going to care.

Then I hear crying.

Oh no. I woke her up. I need to go comfort her. I need to free her, but first I need to free myself.

"Nick, there's no way out. We've all tried." Blake said. "I won't give up. She needs me. I need to get out. Victoria needs you. We need to get out." I say.

"Listen to me Nick. Even if you managed to get out, King Richard would just get you thrown back in." He said.

"There has to be a way. Olivia needs me and Victoria needs you. We can't just give up." I say.

"You're just as stubborn as Olivia." He said before helping me.

Olivia's POV

I need to get out of here. I need to help Nick. I know the only way out of my bedroom is the balcony and I know it's not going to be safe.

So I take my pendant and put it around Emily's neck. It's protected her once. It can do it again.

I walk out onto the balcony, holding her close to me.

Taking a deep breath, I begin to climb down. The last time I did this, I was five.

I climbed down carefully, terrified out of my mind for Emily. Slowly, I finally made my way to the ground and hugged Emily close to me.

Now to get to the dungeons. I walk back into the castle and make my way down to the dungeons. It was right below my bedroom so I knew the way well.

Now to figure out how to distract the guards long enough to get Nick freed.

I saw a rock and grinned, getting an idea. I picked it up and threw it in the other direction, making a loud clatter. The guards ran in that direction and I ran into the dungeons.

"Nick!" I say, glad that he's safe. "Olivia!" He said and I came to stand in front of his cell.

"I'm going to get you out Nick." I tell him, but he reached out and put his hand on my cheek before I could go find the keys.

"You need to get back home Olivia. Just go and please, please stay safe." He says. "No. I'm not leaving without you." I say, tears burning at my eyes.

"Olivia, if you don't go now, your parents will force you into marriage. I know you don't want that so please. Please get home before it's too late." He says.

"I'm not leaving without you Nick." I say. "Olivia, you need to stay safe." He says and I shake my head.

"I'm not going anywhere without you. I.... I love you Nick." I say. "I love you too Olivia." He says and the dungeons' door swung open to reveal my father.

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