Come back (33)

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Over the past few days none of the boys had been on twitter, twitcams, or Instagram. They stayed far away from social media.

The girls and I would check twitter to see if anything happened.

There were tweets saying things like:

Please come back! We love you guys and we're so sorry for sending hate.

We miss you guys. Please come back.


I'll never send hate ever again. Please just come back. We miss you.

A lot of people asked them to come back. Some people kept sending hate and some started sending the boys hate.

I couldn't help but feel like an awful person. I was partially the cause of this. The boys weren't talking to their fans. The boys need their fans.

I realized Niall was still asleep. I looked at the alarm clock with bright, neon green digits. It was only 9:17.

I decided I should wake him up and we could get some breakfast.

First I took a shower and got dressed in light, floral jean shorts, and a red v neck t-shirt. I put on my black TOMS. I put on some deodorant, perfume and some lip gloss after brushing my teeth.

I walked out of the clean bathroom and walked over to the large, king sized bed with a sleeping Niall in it.

I crawled over to his unconscious body and started gently shaking him awake. He groaned and looked up at me.

"Good morning, Ni." I said smiling down at my fiancé. He returned the smile.

"Good morning, beautiful." He whispered. I kissed his cheek and he got out of bed to take a shower and get ready.

"What are you boys doing today?" I asked him.

"We just have a photo shoot and an interview at a radio station." He explained to me as he walked into the bathroom.

"Okay. I'll be in the suite with the girls." I told him. I walked out of his hotel room and walked into the suite I was scaring with the girls.

Danielle was sitting on her bed crying into her hands. My eyes widened. What happened? Is she okay?

"Dani? What's wrong? Are you okay?" I asked her sitting next to her and hugging her from the side.

I hope she's alright. I hate seeing people cry.

"Sorry. Yes I'm alright. Liam and I just had an argument." She said wiping her tears. I looked around the room for a tissue.

I got up and found some tissue on the bathroom and gave it to her.

"But are you lads alright? Was it bad?" I asked worried. She shrugged her shoulders and started crying even more.

"I'm so sorry, Dani. If there's anything I can do please tell me." I said sadly. I hope they're okay. I don't want them to break up.

"Thank you." She said. After She stopped crying I turned on the tele, hoping a funny show would he on.

Luckily, Ridiculousness was on. I love this show. I usually watch it when Niall's away and I want to cheer up.

"Oh I love this show!" Danielle cheered. We started watching the episode.

"Did you see all the tweets?" I asked her. She nodded her head.

"I feel so guilty." We said in unison.

"I just hope the lads go back on soon. I feel like it's making them unhappy too. And I know Niall really misses it, even if he won't admit to it." I told my mate.

"Yeah, I saw that Liam was on twitter and he was reading all the tweets saying come back. He was about to tweet something but he turned his phone off." Danielle said explaining the urges to tweet.

"I honestly hope Liam and I will be alright." She frowned.

"If you don't mind me asking; what did you fight about?" I asked her

"It was a fight about how many fights we've had. We have arguments every day. I just wish we wouldn't fight anymore. I want us to be happy again." She explained.

"Tell him that. I bet he feels the same." I said.

"Okay, I will. Thanks, Arabella."

Perrie, Eleanor, and Jessica piled through the door giggling. Danielle and I looked at each other in confusion.

"The lads got in trouble for pressing all the buttons on the elevator, and going around in the revolving door too many times." Jessica explained.

We nodded our heads.

"Danielle do you know what's wrong with Liam? He's sulking." Eleanor asked her. Danielle explained what happened and there was a knock at the door.

"I've got it." I told them skipping over to the door. I opened it and saw 4 teenage girls around the same age as me.

They started screaming and showed their One Direction shirts.

"Uh...hello." I said awkwardly.

"WHERE ARE OUR HUSBANDS?" A girl screamed.


OH MY F****** GOSH. haha so it's CHRISTMAS. Merry Christmas!

I got WWAT tickets. I hope you guys have a great Christmas and have fun with your family!

Tis the season to be jolly!

I'm very jolly now.


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