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*Jacks POV*

Wait. What? First of all where is Mark going. I need to follow him. I need him. I've been wanting a friend around. It gets lonely here in Ireland. Why was I so focused on why he was here? I should have been celebrating. I love our conversations. I love our friendship. Okay, okay. Enough of that, I need to find him. Uhm, I don't have a car so I'll just have to run after him I guess. The things we do for love.
I began to run after that blue haired man as fast as my legs could carry me. As I watched him turn a corner while pulling out his phone, my heart began to race. Who is he calling? He was running faster than I was. He was mumbling some words and pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket. It seemed he was checking his surroundings, when he bolted in one direction.
It looked as if he was running towards the newly built neighbourhood in the area.
What is he doing there? I saw him quickly sprint to a house where he knocked and a ladies hand pulled him inside. I waited out on the othet side of the street, pacing up and down it. A woman? What is he doing there? It seemed like he knew what he was doing? That guy gets around a lot. I mean, with looks like those, it would be hard not to get hit on constantly. His beautiful brown eyes. Floofy hair. A good jawline. Dammit, he's got it all.
As I was thinking, I heard a scream coming from the house. I walked up to the window to see Mark's head snapped back and his eyes glowing red. I dashed through the door just as Anti started to kick in. My eyes became vibrant and I lost all control seeing Mark in pain.
"What the HELL are you doing?" Anti barked out. "What has this man ever done to you? Are you out of your goddamn mind woman?"
"I am Signe, not woman, excuse you! And this is Mark, from YouTube. He turned me down in the taxi and I'm here for revenge!" Signe shrieked back at him.
Anti grabbed the knife from Signe's hand and swung it at her. It landed right into her skull. Her head spurting out blood, he swiped it again at her heart. He missed, but she fell silently to the ground. Anti scooped Mark into his arms and carried him back to his house. He layed him down on the couch for him to rest. Jack sat on the couch next to him and turned on Netflix. Episode after episode, he watched, until Mark eventually regained conciousness.

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