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"Shut up! You goddamn bitch!" I hear yelling from the kitchen and I sit in my bedroom. Dad and someone have been arguing for an hour. I stayed in my bedroom. "You can't keep her forever! She is my daughter! I gave birth to her and took care of her." I'm scared. "Bullshit Jessica! You fucking ran off leaving me with a pathetic note. You never wanted to be apart of her life! You never gave one goddamn shit about Hailee! You just ran off like a fucking scared bitch would do!" Dad says and I hear something being smashed. "You almost hit me you fucking whore!" I hear dad yell and I hear the woman scream. "I'm taking her! You can't do one goddamn thing about it! I'm her mother! She isn't safe with you! Your a fucking rapist psychopath." I hear the woman yell and I hear footsteps down the hall. She comes in and I stare at her. There's a mark on her face and she looks at me. Her nose is gushing blood and she walks towards me. "I'm gonna get you out of her sweetie. Just stay here." I see dad approaching her with something in his hands and he whacks her over her head. The woman falls to the ground and Dad frowns. He picks her up in his arms and he leaves. Not says no one word to me..leaving me in the apartment alone. I stay where I sit..afraid to move or see what the fight scene outside my room would look like. I feel tears run down my face and I go into my bedroom along with shutting my eyes. Maybe this was just a nightmare and I was just imagining it. But it wasn't a nightmare..it happened. About 40 minutes later, Dad walked in and I can hear him sniffle along with cursing about something. I get up and I walk to where my dad stands in the kitchen. I look around the scene where the fight was and it is awful. A broken lamp, the window was shattered and was letting I cool air, there was blood on the floor, and there was a broken chair. "Hailee..are you alright?" He says as he kneeled down and he was checking my arms, legs, and face for any injuries. There were none and I look at dad. His face was bruised, a bloody nose, and he had a cut lip. There was also a cut on his neck that was still bleeding and I pointed at it. He touched it and sucked air through his teeth. I don't know what to say..so I don't say a word. "Are we safe?" I finally ask and he said "I think so love". He looks at his clock and he says "Let's get you to bed..your gonna have to miss school tomorrow.." I nod and Dad picks me up along with taking me to my bedroom. He lied me down in bed and he kissed me goodnight along with shutting the door behind him. I can't go back asleep..I'm afraid that woman is gonna come back. I can overhear Dad on the phone and he says "I need you to come over...She came back and I'm injured..Please. Thanks love...Yes..Haiz is asleep.." Dad continued on talking to the person and I had fallen asleep. I woke up later when the sun was coming up and I got out of bed along with going out to the living room. The mess had been picked up and the apartment looked back to normal. Dad was asleep on the couch and there was a note on the table. I read it and it says 'You passed out halfway through the stitches. Promise I'll be back tomorrow with meds and things. Love Sarah.' I didn't wonder who Sarah was because she could have been a nurse who dad called. "Dad?" I say and he groans. I sigh and leave him to sleep. I go to my bedroom and I shut the door.

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