Chapter One

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•Changing Stefan•

Chapter One

"You got all your stuff?" Zoe asked.

"Yeah." I mumbled as I shoved my clothes in the suitcase.

"What's this," Zoe walked over to me. "Elena nervous? Is this real?"

"I'm not nervous, it's just after a year of being home schooled, I can barely remember how to act in school." I explained.

I used to live in England and go to a normal school but something happened and I moved to Washington. I didn't have enough money for university so I had to be home schooled. After a year of it, I had made enough money to go back to an actual University. It took a while, I had many jobs over the year but I had finally settled down as a wedding planner.

"I think I'm gonna miss having you around." Zoe said, smiling at me.

"Thank you for letting me stay here the past year Zoe, I'm very grateful." I told her.

When I left England for America, I had no place to stay and walked the street homeless, though I had a job it wasn't enough to rent an apartment.

Zoe worked at one of the same jobs I had, when she found out I was homeless she wasn't having it, so I ended up living with her for the past year.

"No problem, honestly Elena if you need anything I'm always here." she said.

"I don't know how I'm ever going to repay you." I admitted, pulling her into a hug.

"You don't have to, now come on you don't wanna be late."

"They said I could come at any time between ten till five." I pointed out.

"Well the early bird catches the worm." she smiled at me and I laughed standing up as I did.

The ride to the University of Virginia took a couple hours, when we arrived in Charlottesville, I took a minute to appreciate how beautiful it was. Charlottesville was very different compared to Washington it was calm and had a natural beauty to it.

Zoe pulled into the car park of the campus and I looked at the map of the University I had been given.

"Guess this is goodbye then." I said to Zoe as the car engine stopped.

"Don't give me that, I want to see what your dorm looks like." She said climbing out the car.

I sighed and followed her out, we walked towards the tall building that held all the dorms. As we got closer we could here shouting and cheering, there was a crowd of people around in a circle shape and from what I could see it looked like two people were fighting.

"Stupid boys and their stupid fighting." Zoe muttered after we had entered the building. We walked up to the desk, "Hello I'm Elena and I was ment to be given a dorm today." I told the grey haired woman behind the desk.

"Ah yes Elena Gilbert your room number is Thirteen and it's on floor two." She smiled at me then passed me a key.

"Thanks." I mumbled before going to my room.

"You know they should really get some elevators." Zoe complained, she was struggling to lift my suitcase up the stairs.

"Well I'm just glad my room isn't on floor four." I said pulling my other suitcase over the steps.

I sighed in relief when we reached the second floor, the door of my dorm looked like it had been freshly painted black. I pushed my key and unlocked the door.

I was glad to see it the room empty, one of the beds looked like someone already owned it so I chucked my stuff on top of the one that looked unoccupied.

"So this it then?" Zoe looked around the room the walls were a pale blue colour and there was a few landscape paintings hanging on the wall.

"Its nice and small," I remarked "It makes it cozy."

She nodded. "I'll miss you." Zoe pulled me into a hug.

"Omg is my roommate a lesbian?" an unknown voice asked.

Zoe released me from her hold and I looked at the girl, her hair was blonde and wavy.

"We were just hugging we're not lesbians." Zoe said.

The girl blushed. "Oh sorry," she said. "I'm Cleo, you must be Elena." she looked at me.

"Yeah that's me." I gave her a small smile.

"Nice to meet you." She returned my smile.

Zoe cleared her throat. "Look I've got to go now Elena." She said.

I gave her a quick hug before she left, I knew I would really miss Zoe.

"What are you hoping to do after Uni then?" I asked Cleo, sitting down on my bed.

"I don't know, I really want it to be something to do with painting or drawing," she replied. "like an illustrator."

I nodded, "Is that why you bought those paintings?" I pointed towards the paintings I'd noticed earlier.

"Oh no I drew them." she said.

"Really! They are so good." I exclaimed.

"Thanks... it's not everyday I get complimented on paintings." She grinned "School starts tomorrow by the way."

Oh. I almost forget about that, I still had to get all my stuff unpacked and ready.

But this is what I wanted a fresh new start free from my past.


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