37: Never ending tears

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Where do broken hearts go - one direction

If I could fly - One Direction

I wish you would- Taylor Swift

For you - BTS

The looks on Eric's face when he saw me was unreadable. I couldn't pinpoint if he was angry or excites, but no matter how much he tried to cover it with a blank expression, I could still find the look of surprise and forced anger in his eyes. Eric looked miserable, like someone who hadn't slept in days. Bloodshot eyes, pale complexion, he was on a different definition of looking bad.

"What are you doing here?" Eric's voice ran through my head, bringing me out of the reverie of evaluating how he looked right now. I looked back into his dreamy blue eyes searching for something other than surprise but there was nothing.

"You don't look good Eric" I said instead, rather that answering his question and hr gave me a raised brow.

"You don't look good either" he said back and trying so hard to keep that expression, and making the conversation weirder than I thought it would be.

"Can we talk" I went straight to the point instead of keeping an extremely awkward conversation going. Here was someone with whom I've done so many silly things with, like each other faces and playing in the park like little kids. And with that same person I couldn't even hold a normal conversation.

"No, we don't......" Eric was saying something to me but I raised my hands to stop him because when I looked into his room from above his shoulder, I saw something that completely caught my attention.

It was that picture...

That exact same framed picture on my desk. What was it doing here sitting on Eric's desk also?

I pushed Eric out of the way and found my way into his really messy room without his permission, not like I needed it anyways.

"Cheryl what are you doing?" Eric asked me but I didn't reply. The picture of my seven or was it eight year old self and a younger Eric had my complete attention.

My mind flew back to the time Tyler saw this picture and he said it was Eric, but I had told him to shut the hell up.

So it was actually Eric?

Why didn't I notice it earlier?

Did Eric know all this while? Why didn't he tell me?

I turned to the back of the frame and there were two words, scribbled in Eric's handwriting.

'My sunshine'

Then it was all coming back to me....

'Are you sunshine? You look like her" (CH. 15)

'I'm sorry sunshine' (CH. 35)

All those times Eric called me sunshine he wasn't just saying it, it wasn't just a weirs nickname I thought he formed...there was a reason and a story behind it.

It's very funny how I don't remember anything about that say, but I'm pretty sure I was that happy but grumpy child with a cheerful but gloomy sides too. I really wish I could remember a lot of stuff about when I was younger, but mind had shut out all of it.

But if Eric and I had met before, when we were younger and now we met again, even dated. Is this the thing they call fate.


Well forget it, because I don't believe in stuffs like that.

I turned back to Eric who had been watching me the whole time, trying to read my expression. I just hope he could see the sea of unanswered questions on my eyes because there were lots of questions I was dying to ask him. I didn't know how to start, what to say and just how to communicate without making things more awkward than it seems.

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