CHAPTER TEN: Demons Doll

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Song for the chapter
I'm a firefighter by Cigarettes After Sex

"Don't listen." A voice called to Theodora "Why the fuck not!" She screeched "Because the Devil will kill you. And he will have no mercy." The voice said. Theodora came to her senses and let the girl go. "You want her Matty?" She laughed as Lennon cold body tumbled to the ground. "Have her."  Matty went to grab the girl but something in him ignited. "Come on Matty save your girl!" Theodora cheered. Matty pulled himself together and grabbed the girl. His inside burned as he touched her his mouth full of metallic liquid. "He has her now Matty. You're just too late." She laughed holding Samuel like a trophy. "Please!" He begged. "You're going to kill yourself for a girl?" Samuel asked wickedly

Matty didn't say a word. He stumbled his way to take Lennon home. "My dear girl." Said a voice once known to Lennon. George plunged a knife to her throat as Matty fell dead with Lennon in his arms.  Theodora laughed wickedly at the scene. "No, no, no!" Lennon screamed. She couldn't move, her fingers cold touched Matty's face. "You can't kill something that's dead!" Samuel cried as Theodora took one last breath. "I already did." George said placing a cross on Samuel's forehead. As Samuel's screams became louder the ground rumbled and opened like a wound. "Make it stop!" Samuel screamed out. Lennon couldn't listen. She felt safe in Matty's once existing arms. She just wanted him.

Once she came down to reality Samuel's screams stopped and dark liquid came from the small opening in the ground. George looked terrified as the liquid came upon Matty's body. Lennon screamed as the liquid entered his mouth but, she refused to leave his side. "We have to leave." George yelled to her "Go." Lennon said wanting to cry but the tears never came "Lennon you don't understand your still a child!" George screamed "Id rather die George, I would rather face Hell itself than to leave his side." She said monotone to his pleads "Lennon please!" George said trying to pick her up but Matty's grip was too strong. "Lennon we love you." George said placing a gentle kiss o her forehead and heading out to the unknown.

Lennon dreamed of him breathing once more. He made her life worth living. She never expected someone to stick with her like Matty did. And he was dead now because of her. If she had just stayed in and hadn't acted out this would've never happened. She began to cry at the thought of it being her fault. She never meant to hurt anyone it was an act of innocence. She felt the tears drip onto Matty's cheeks and it looks as if they were his own tears. Her hand which still rested on his face wiped the tears and traveled back to where it was before.

As much as she wished morning hadn't come and it felt like night was infinite. Light barely peeked through any tree and she wondered why she was still alive and why George had left. She had begun to fall asleep when she felt a rise. It wasn't the ground she had checked. But it came again and again soon after. "Matty?" Lennon said as she saw his eyes flutter open.


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