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Lana's POV

What does that that mean? WHAT THE HELL DOES THAT MEAN?!

"Well?...well?...well what?!" I screamed going close.

"Lana..." Fred sighed grabbing my upper arm and pulling me back.

"No! Let me go! Dr Burke, that's my baby okay? That's my daughter. I only have one of her, and I assure you that I'm a very nice person. But if something happens to her, I won't be so nice! So can you please go into that O.R or whatever else and make her better instead of wasting time coming to tell us, go back there and save our daughters and there sisters life! Please!" I shouted running out of breath as I explained pointing to me and then Matt, patt, and Jack.

"Mrs Parrilla, with all due respect I don't think you understand-" he started.

"Yes I do. She needs surgery" I interrupted.

"No. She needs a blood transfusion" he explained putting his pen back in the pocket if his shirt.

"What's that" Matthew asked looking at his brothers than back at Dr Burke.

"A blood transfusion is a fairly simple medical procedure during which a patient receives whole blood, or one of its parts through an intravenous line, or I.V. This is a tiny tube that is inserted into a vain using a small needle." He explained to Matthew calmly.

"Would it hurt our sister" Patrick asked joining in on the conversation.

"While patients are likely to notice a brief pinch of the needle, a blood transfusion is considered to be relatively painless." He elaborated standing with his arms in front if his body.

"Okay one, Ava doesn't like needles. And two, why are you explaining this to us" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"Well, that's expected. Any procedure that involves a needle is likely to cause some anxiety for a child, so it helps to understand how a transfusion is done. This way you can feel confident about what is happening and help put your child at ease." He answered.

"This uh," Fred started waving his hand for Dr Burke to restate what he previously stated.

"Blood transfusion" he restated.

"Blood transfusion. What does it do?" Fred asked crossing his arms.

"As the blood circulates, it delivers oxygen and nutrients throughout the body. It also collects waste products and carries them to the organs responsible for making sure the waste leaves the body." He continued with the hospital talk that makes us all look dumb if I do say so myself.

"That's all" Jack asked standing up strait and releasing a sigh.

"No. A blood transfusion can make up for a loss of blood or any part of the blood" he added.

"Is that good or bad" Fred asked.

"That's good" he answered simply.

"How long does it take" Jack asked. 

"Transfusions take 1-4 hours, depending on how much blood is given; and no special recovery time is needed." He stated without one stutter.

"Where does it come from" Patrick asked.

"The blood?" Dr Burke asked in confusion.

"Yeah" Patrick said shaking his head.

"Well, in most cases, the blood comes from volunteer donors. But the blood that is donated must be a match to the patient" he answered also shaking his head.

"What are the risks" I asked shifting from one foot to the other.

"You really want to know" he asked calmly.

Lana Parrilla...IS MY MOTHER!!!Where stories live. Discover now