October 18th

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        Fortunately for me, I only had one more day to go until I left for America, and that day was a Saturday. I was finally able to escape the pressing questions of my peers.

        At least, that's what I thought.

        My day was going great. It was cold and rainy, which is exactly how I like the weather, as it gives me an excuse to stay inside and do whatever I want for hours at a time. There was heavy wind, too, each whooshing sound from outside making me more grateful for the warmth of the room I was in and the blanket I had wrapped around myself. It was a perfect day... Until I realized that Dan had had soccer earlier that morning, despite the weather, and that I was expected to pick him up. I glanced at the old, metal clock that my family kept on the mantel, hoping that it wasn't past eleven o'clock yet.

        Much to my relief, the clock read that I had ten minutes to drive down to the probably now muddy field and pick up my probably now complaining brother. I pulled out a long, green coat from the closet and rushed outside, pulling the jacket close to my body to protect myself from the roaring wind and cold. I got into the car and spurred the engine to life, accidently getting my seat quite wet in the process. I paid no mind to it, however, just knowing that I needed to get to the soccer field as fast as possible, it usually being a fifteen minute drive at best.

        Of course, in my rush, I hadn't accounted for the fact that Dan's coach is insane and always holds the kids an extra half an hour for a "pep talk".

        It was basically just him telling everyone what they did wrong.

        I was just coming to the decision to wait it out in the warmth of my car, when a movement of color flashed in the corner of my eyes. I turned to left, curious, and did a double take when I say Joe the badass leaning against the only dimly lit lamppost in the vicinity, his tattoos standing out in the light provided from above him. His eyes bore into me, and before I could finish my internal debate as to whether or not I go outside to join him, he brought himself to me.

        I had no time to protest before he pulled open the passenger side door, and crawled in, dripping water everywhere. I groaned a bit; I couldn't help it! My dad was going to kill me.

        "Sorry for the mess," Joe said casually, interrupting my brooding session. His many face piercings reflected the sun's light into my eyes, causing me to squint a bit.

        "Um, it's fine? Wha--"

        I was cut off by Joe grabbing my wrist, his strong movement leaving no room for resistance.

        "Listen. I know what's going on with you, because the same thing happened to me. You got a suicidal internet friend? I was the suicidal internet friend."

        I probably looked like a fish out of water gaping at him, but I couldn't help it. "How--"

        "I told you, I'm good at reading people," he interrupted again, answering my mostly unspoken question, "and since I've been in this position before, I'm trying to help. So, you're trying to save them?"

        Ignoring his question, I resorted to simply staring at him. How could he have known that my friend was suicidal? I couldn't remember telling him the day before.

        "Are you a psychic?"

        "As much as you're a genius. Which, clearly, isn't saying much."

        "Hey!" I protested.

        Joe just let out a huff before saying, "Well? You never answered the question. Are you trying to save them?"

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