Chapter 18

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The weekend after the party had been torturous. I had woken up late on Saturday and had been over at Nate's to see how he was doing. Unsurprisingly, he had had a tremendous hangover, the first one he ever had, and hadn't really been able to do anything.

I had sat in the bean bag chair in front of his bed all afternoon, doodling in my notebook, while we had listened to music. Turned out that his parents hadn't been that mad that he had gotten drunk at the party. Their opinion was that we had to make those experiences while we were still teenagers and that it'd hopefully been a good lesson for him to be more careful when it came to drinking in the furure.

Nate had no idea how lucky he was; had it been my parents, they would've grounded me until my eighteenth birthday.

We had also talked about everything that had happened at the party, starting with Nate talking about what a great time he had had with Alexis, which quickly turned into him talking about how beautiful her eye color was for what had felt like hours.

All along I had considered telling him about how I had kissed Hunter on the cheek, but then I had decided not to. Nate probably wouldn't have been pleased, especially since I was still with Emily.

So I had kept it to myself and thought about it and the consequences it might have all weekend. Hunter hadn't texted or called and even though I had thought about trying to talk to him, I hadn't done it in the end. Mainly because I wouldn't have known what to say (Hey, sorry that I kissed you on the cheek when you were drunk, I don't really know why I did that, I just thought you were kinda cute in that moment? Anyways, please don't tell my girlfriend about it?), but also because I didn't want to embarrass myself further in case he did remember any of it. A kiss on the cheek surely was nowhere nearly as exciting as the things Hunter had done already and he'd probably laugh if he knew how much it had mattered to me.

Altogether, I didn't know what I was hoping for when I got out of my car on Monday morning. I just had this fluttery feeling of anticipation in my chest when I looked around the parking lot and searched for either my friends or Hunter.

In the end I found them both. Nate was standing with Hunter, Liam and Adam and, to my surprise, Emily was with them, too.

I smiled feebly at her before saying hello to the others.

Nate was looking significantly better than he had two days ago and if Adam and Liam had been hungover, they were back to looking like models from a magazine by now.

Hunter was the last one I forced myself to look at and I was definitely not surprised when I saw that he was watching me intently. I met his gaze for a split second before I quickly looked down at my shoes instead.

"Hey, was the party?" Emily asked, trying to reanimate the conversation that had stopped when I had arrived, and nudged me with her elbow.

I cleared my throat and looked at her. "It was alright. I was mainly just looking after Nate, though," I said and grinned as Nate snorted.

"You didn't have to, I was doing fine!"

"Yeah right, if I hadn't been there to hold you back you would've joined the game of strip poker they were playing upstairs," I said, raising a brow as Nate scowled at me.

"Wow, Nate," Alexis laughed.

"Hey, you shut your mouth," I laughed and pointed at her. "You were already on your way upstairs. Liam had to drag you back."

Alexis turned around to shoot Liam an incredulous look.

He just shrugged and said, grinning widely: "Can confirm."

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