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     As Elektra made her way out of the metal building, back outside where the light shone blindly up above, her boots hit the metal ramp with an echoing thud. Each step caused the delinquents to turn around and watch her. In some ways, she felt as if she was leaving behind a part of her she had long forgotten, a part that had been pushed away when she had become a hunter and a scout. It was a scared version of herself, a weaker version of herself, and a more caring version of herself. She wasn't like Skaikru. She was a Grounder, and she had to start acting like it rather than playing pointless games with the intruders.

     I am a Grounder.

     She wasn't friends with Skaikru. They trespassed onto their land, they killed a village filled with people, innocent people, her people. They started a war. The war between Grounders and Skaikru. It was a war that Elektra had to fight in. Alongside her own people.

     Elektra was more than ready to finish it.

     The entire time she was there, she had been caught up in the false illusion of 'love'.

     That she could find it there, with one of them.

     How wrong was I.

     Anya was right.

     Skaikru was not to be trusted, and the more Elektra thought about it, the more her dream began to make sense.

     She killed her own people for nothing. She killed her own people for someone who only saw her as the enemy. Elektra knew that he would have to pay with his life, it was the only way.

     She should have just loved her own.


     Elektra couldn't help but scoff at the word. It meant nothing to her now. The only love she felt was from the knowledge that the Sky People would soon be dead and she would go back to being a hunter and scout, she would go back to only worrying about the Weathermen. Once Skaikru was gone, her mind would be clear and she would be able to think more clearly.

     Each step that Elektra took, made her heart pound faster, and soon, it felt as if it wasn't beating at all. Her body grew numb and her expression changed to one of a cold-hearted killer. She was a Grounder, and there was no mistaking that. It was who she was born to be.

     A warrior.

     A killer.

     A Grounder.

     She wasn't going to change that. Not for some boy. Not for someone who manipulated her feelings into believing that he had felt something for her, forcing herself to trick her own mind into believing she felt the same way. She barely knew him.

     That version of herself, that weak, scared, manipulated girl was dead.

     As she continued to make her way down the ramp, the others turned to face her. Her eyes were now covered in the black war paint, hollowing them out, making them look a lot darker than they were. Her hair was pulled back in plaits, while some were left down in a thick mass. Her dark skin was covered in the remains of her own blood, and some of Skaikru's blood. The rest of her body was covered in her armour, and the lower half of her face was covered by her mask. Elektra knew she no longer looked like the young girl they brought in to torture alongside her brother, but instead, she looked like one of the people who would be back to kill them.

     This was it, this was the last time she would be at the camp on good terms with them. In the back of her mind, she knew that they all knew that the next time she would be back was when she was going to slaughter them in the war. Part of her wanted to shudder at the thought, simply because she had felt differently, in the beginning, she even risked her life for them. But she knew better now.

EARTHBOUND ↠ BELLAMY BLAKE ✔️ [OLD VERSION]Where stories live. Discover now