My Hero!

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Damon's POV.

"Damon?" her raspy voice croaked weakly as I threw the door open.

I quickly vamp-sped and grabbed her frail body, then left with the others. There was no need to hide my identity. She knew that I was a vampire.

"Where's my mom?" she asks.

Knock her out. Stephan mind-link.

I looked at him as he got into the driver's seat.

What? Are you kidding? I asked back, enraged.

He gave me a blank stare as he drove.

I don't kid. Do it now. I sighed as I tapped her head twice, sending her into the doom of darkness.

"She'll find out, eventually." I said as he ran the stop light.

"She's not stable enough. They poisoned her that's why her blood smells so good." he replied.

I blinked.

"Stop the car!" Aurora yelled.

I looked at her as she held Sam's body. She needed to hunt. Her eyes turned red as she focused on Sam's pulse.

"Aurora; No!" I shouted as Stephan slammed on the breaks.

I looked back and Aurora was gone. Stephan examined Sam. I signed in relief when he told me she was fine.

Aurora, are you okay? I mind-link.

I'm fine, brother. she answered.

I told Stephan and we continued to drive home.

That was close.

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