Mysterious Valentines *Zayn Malik*

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“Hey Kendall?” My mom yelled up the stairs. “Can you go get your brother from school?”

“Sure!” I called back down, not anticipating leaving. I wanted a lazy day in bed today! But lord knows that if I refused to get my brother, Nathan, then I would be grounded and would not have anything! I need my laptop and iPod to live! No, not really. But sometimes it feels like it.

“You can use my car since you totaled yours.” Mom said handing me the keys when I walked into the kitchen.

“Sorry about that.” I apologized once more.

“It’s fine. It’s in the past. It’s getting fixed right now anyway.” Mom said brushing it off. No, we are not poor, but we’re not rich either. We’re actually okay money wise. I grabbed the keys off of her and went outside and into the car. I started the car and drove the 20 minute ride to his school. I parked the car and got out, walking into the office. I saw Nathan talking to a cute tan girl.

“Hi Nathan!” I said as I walked up to them. “Who is your friend here?”

“Her name is Waliyha.” He said smiling happily. “She’s my girlfriend!”

“Nathan, you’re only 10. You can’t have a girlfriend yet.” I said chuckling. Just then, a tan skinned dude walked up to his and grabbed Waliyha’s hand. He was…. He was hot!

“Come on darling, we have to leave.” He said.

“No!” Waliyha protested. “I wanna stay with my boyfriend!” She stomped back over to Nathan and grabbed his hand.

“Sweetie.” I said squatting down to be face to face with her. “Nathan has to leave with me.”

“No!!!” She yelled shaking her head. “He can come home and live with me!”

“I’m sorry Waliyha, but he can’t.”The boy said walking up to us.

“But Zayn!” Waliyha whined.

“I’m sorry.” Zayn said, apologizing to me.

“It’s fine. Nathan does this all the time.” I said smiling at Zayn.

“I wanna go to the park Kendall!” Nathan yelled tugging on my hand. “Can we please go to the park?” He pulled out his puppy dog eyes.

“Sure kiddo. We can go to the park.” I smiled at him as his face lit up with joy.

“Can I have a piggyback ride also?!” He asked, smiling. I nodded and get down on my knees so he could climb onto my back. He grabbed on tightly, wrapping his hands around my neck and his feet around my waist.

“Awh, he is so adorable!” Zayn cooed. I looked at him weirdly. “What? Never seen a guy say that about a kid before?” He questioned before laughing.

“I wasn’t saying that!” I said shaking my head quickly. “It’s just if you knew him you wouldn’t say that.”

“Haha, right.” He said laughing. “He looks way to nice to be evil.”  I just looked at him shaking my head.

“Little do you know.” I mumbled. “Well, anyways. I gotta take little man here to the park. I’ll see you around?”

“Why don’t I just go with you guys?” Zayn questioned. “Waliyha wants to go to the park also.”

“Sure. Did you guys walk here or something?” I questioned.

“I walked here, yeah.” Zayn said chuckling. “Waliyha didn’t.”

I blushed and looked at him. “You know what I meant.”

He giggled and smiled at me. “Yeah, I know. I just wanted to mess with you.”

I playfully glared at him. “Fine then!” I quickly walked off, laughing. “You coming or what?”

“What do you mean?” He called back.

“I’m giving you a ride! Come on!” I yelled. He smiled gratefully at me before walking over.

“You sure?” He asked.

“Perfectly sure.” I nodded and smiled. He got in and we began our 10 minute ride to the park. And then that’s when it hit me. Today is Valentine’s Day. And I’m spending it alone.


Alright, hope you like chapter 1! I’m not good at starting stories out!

Next Chapter is Savannah. (:


Mysterious Valentines *Zayn Malik*Where stories live. Discover now