21| Charles Xavier - Brainwashed

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"Can I get an imagine with Charles, where she is a student and she hates herself because she is a mutant. He finds her crying and he confesses his feelings."


He could hear her crying from his office.

Desperately, he tried not to listen as he was grading copies on his desk. Focusing on the hastily written words, her voice became only a whisper in the back of his mind, but when her pain became too strong, he let go of his pen.

He could feel her sadness, her anger, her hatred too. She was lost.

He hated that she was going through that. And he hated that he had to witness it.

Was he supposed to go comfort her? Would she react badly if she learnt he had overheard her thoughts?

Of course she would.

When he had found her crying in a church a few weeks ago, he had invited her to the school. Her powers were strong and she needed help. The fact that she was beautiful and a few years younger than him did play too.

He had hoped she would fit in, even if the school was filled with teenagers. But it became obvious, as the days passed, that her loneliness was only growing.

A loneliness he deeply wanted to fill. But a loneliness he also knew she was forcing on herself.

Rolling his way to the room he knew she was in, he entered her dimly lit bedroom carefully.

He found her crying on the floor next to her bed, holding her head in her hands. Charles moved closer until he was in front of her.

He whispered her name. Her sadness was painful. Her thoughts were hurting him.

She refused to look at him.

(Y/N), look at me.

"Get out of my head, Charles." She screamed at him, taking off strands of her hair as she clutched her head.

Charles grimaced, feeling her anger. He knew he should not have used his power.

"Stop it." He whispered as he took her hands in his, moving it away from her hair. Her hands were cold and her nails were bitten down to the quick. "(Y/N), look at me."

His voice was soft and as he moved his thumbs along her cold skin, he could feel her calming down.

"I need to go, I don't belong here." She finally whispered, her eyes closed.

"You do belong." Charles raised his hand to her cheek as he leaned over, trying to make her look at him. "You're a mutant." He knew those words would make her look at him. He just was not sure if he was ready to see the look of pure hatred in her eyes.

But when she looked at him, a sad expression on her face, he knew those weeks had not been fruitless.

With no real conviction, she whispered: "I hate mutants."

"Your parents do. But not you. Not anymore."

He knew it was true. She indeed hated mutants when he had first brought her here, brainwashed by her parents about a kind they thought deserved to die. But as she stayed here and accepted her condition, her behavior had changed, and that's what was killing her.

She clenched her jaw and shook her head, trying to get rid of Charles' hand. He let go of her cheek.

"Why did you bring me here?" She asked him, eyes fixed on the hand that was still in his.

She did not move away or try to get rid of it and Charles felt some of his worry going away.

"You needed help and I believed I could be the one saving you."

She snickered and he squeezed her hand.

"Maybe it's difficult to believe after how your parents treated you when they learnt you were a mutant-" She flinched when he reminded her of her condition but he added: "-but I care about you, even more now than when I first met you. You are brave, kind, and generous. And I know it's going to be hard, but you'll get past those feelings that were instilled in you. And when you will, you'll finally be at peace with yourself."

"Maybe I did not need your help..."

"You would not be here if you had not needed it."

"Maybe I don't need it anymore."

She faced him and he could see the stubbornness in her eyes. He chose his words carefully, knowing the wrong ones would make him lose her forever.

"If that's how you feel. But know it would break my heart to see you leave." She looked puzzlingly at him and he said: "It would break my heart because I love you."

He did not know why he had admitted it. Confessing his feelings to a woman that was convinced of hating mutants was like trusting a starving tiger not to eat a man sleeping in his cage. But as she stayed silent, lost in thoughts, he felt the beating of his heart calm down. And as hard as he tried not to overhear her thoughts, he could feel her struggling. Struggling between what she always felt about people like him and her feelings for him.

He would not push her.

"I'll always be here for you."

He squeezed her handin his one last time before leaving. He knew she will accept her condition soonenough and probably even admit her feelings too. It will take time, but she will.And when this will happen, maybe he will find love again.

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