The Return to Erebor

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Four months later: Eleana's POV
We stood at the gates, waiting. Dain and his men had stayed in Erebor and helped us rebuild it, and now the dwarves were returning. Fili and Kili fidgeted with nervous excitement, making Thorin chuckle. He laughed a lot these days. We stood before the gates as a company, minus Bilbo who had gone back to the shire a little while ago. We all watched the land, waiting for the first sign of them.
"How much longer uncle?" Asked Kili. Thorin rolled his eyes.
"How many times are you going to keep asking?" He retorted. I glared playfully at him.
"And exactly how long are you going to carry on being grumpy?" I smirked.
"I'm not grumpy," grumbled Thorin. There was a shared laugh throughout the rest of the company.
"Yeah right laddie," chuckled Balin. Thorin frowned.
"Face it Thorin, you're grumpy," said Aleron. Thorin crossed his arms.
"I am not," he said
"Are too," I taunted.
"Am not."
"Are too."
"I am not!" He replied in his 'I am the king and you will do as I say" voice. I giggled.
"All right your majesty, keep your crown on," I laughed. Thorin rolled his eyes. Then Balin tapped his shoulder.
"They're here laddie."
Hundreds upon hundreds of dwarves began to appear over the crest of the hills. Ponies laden with possessions were lead by tired yet hopeful dwarves, as they gazed upon their home once again. I looked along the line of the company, as they all stood scanning the landscape for their loved ones.
"Gloin!" Suddenly yelled a female voice. The red haired dwarf looked towards the shout quickly, and his face cracked into a wide grin. He ran over to a pony, on which sat a red haired dwarf woman and an equally red haired dwarfling. I smiled as I watched them embrace, the dwarfling squealing with excitement. Oin chuckled.
"Uncle Oin!" Yelled the dwarfling, running over to us.
"Haha, hello Gimli," he laughed. The company disappeared a few at a time, going to greet their various family members. I smiled as I watched them all, it was a joy to see how happy they all were.
"Thorin! Over here you blind bastard!" Yelled a laughing female voice. We all turned. A blue eyed, dark haired dwarf woman sat upon a pony, waving at us. She was dressed in a light blue dress and a royal blue travelling cloak, laughing as she waved at us.
"Dis!" Thorin shouted back, running over to meet her. She dismounted the pony and was immediately pulled into a hug by her brother. Fili and Kili were close behind, joining the hug. I laughed.
"Missed you lot too. Now let me go before you break something," chuckled Dis. They let go of her. Dis looked up at the mountain, tears in her crystal blue eyes.
"Oh mahal," she said quietly. Thorin put an arm around her shoulders.
"We're home Dis," he said. She pulled a handkerchief out of her pocket and wiped her eyes.
"I never thought I'd see this again," she whispered hoarsely. Thorin smiled comfortingly and offered his arm.
"Would you like to go inside namad?" He asked. Dis took his arm and smiled up at her brother.
"Yes please nadad."
The two, followed by Fili and Kili, began to walk towards Aleron and I, as we were still stood by the gates. I leant back against a pillar, smiling. Aleron rolled her eyes at me.
"You're getting too sentimental," she said.
"There's nothing wrong with having emotions, though elves don't seem to realise that," I replied, not taking my eyes off the Durin family.
"You are an elf!" Exclaimed Aleron. I chuckled.
"Half-elf, technically," I pointed out. She sighed exasperatedly.
"Half-elf, half smart arse," she muttered to herself. I snorted.
"Typical Dunedain," I growled playfully. Aleron rolled her eyes.
"Finished arguing?" Asked Thorin, one eyebrow raised.
"That wasn't an argument," Aleron said. Thorin's eyebrow raised a little higher, if that's even physically possible.
"What was it then?" He asked. Aleron shrugged.
"A sisterly debate," I replied. Thorin shook his head, chuckling.
"Whatever you say."
Dis looked up at Aleron and me, and then to her brother. I smiled kindly at her.
"Eleana, daughter of Beorn, at your service," I said with a bow. I looked to Aleron.
"Aleron, daughter of Aranarth, at your service," she said. Dis curtseyed, smiling.
"Dis, daughter of Thrain," she replied. Thorin looked between the three of us.
"Do I have to introduce myself too?" He asked. Aleron snorted.
"I think we've put up with you long enough to know who you are," she said sarcastically. I punched her in the arm playfully.
"Ow! Violence!" She whinged. I rolled my eyes. Thorin chuckled
"Just go now and save yourselves the pain," I said. Aleron opened her mouth to argue but I stamped on her foot.
Thorin rolled his eyes and lead his family into the mountain.

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