Episode 60 - Cubes vs. Bubbles

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Kiel scored full points on the first half of his Multicasting exam. He is left with the second half that he is determined to ace as well.

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Kiel stared at the pink cactus that looked perverse no matter how you looked at it. Bright pink, glossy, rubbery. With tentacles that moved rhythmically around it like grass on the breeze.

Who designed this test??

Kiel shook his head to clear his head from the distracting thoughts. He had this exact same reaction last year when he saw the cactus.

Currently, there was one pink bubble waiting for his cube on top of the cactus.

Kiel looked at the cubes positioned in a spiral and started weaving Temperature spells over the cubes one by one. He didn't hurry with the weaving, making the quality the priority.

3 cubes, 6 cubes, 10 cubes.

In less than 10 seconds all 50 white cubes littered on the floor were under his spell. He made them float a bit upwards before setting them down in the same position they were previously in. He didn't need to move all of them right now. It would be better to leave them on the floor until the cactus starts spewing more bubbles.

It was one thing to have 50 cubes under his control, and completely another to control the movements of all 50 cubes. Placing cubes under his control was like creating another limb and leaving it to lie around, instead of moving it.

He could have 1000 arms for all he cared, but that didn't mean that he could use all of them at the same time. It was the difference between "having" and "using".

Therefore, while it didn't pose much trouble for him to sustain 50 Temperature spells, controlling all 50 of them at the same time would be something that even he couldn't do easily.

The reason why Kiel decided to place all 50 cubes under his control from the start was so that the cubes were ready for usage as soon as he needed them. He didn't want to lose time on weaving in the middle of the test. That would only make him lose points.

When he was ready to proceed, he moved a single cube towards the bubble.

As soon as his cube touched the bubble, it popped, and the exam started.

It didn't take long for a swarm of cubes to be flying through the air like snowflakes.

Left, right, up, down. Everywhere one looked there were flying cubes trying hard not to hit one another while exterminating their common foes - the bubbles.

The struggle lasted for some time until the bubbles suffered a devastating defeat.

Cubes vs. bubbles

Score: 25 - 00

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Elaru's and Arion's Multicasting test was set to be inside a building by the name of White Quarters.

White Quarters was a very similar building to the Red and Blue Quarters, the difference being the color theme. Contrary to its name, the building was made out of black marble, however, all decorations, curtains, and carpets were pure white like the freshly fallen snow, creating a beautiful contrast between black and white.

Unlike the main hall of the building that was very similar to the other Quarters, the classrooms themselves seemed to be different. At least the classroom in which their test took place was different.

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