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Okay, so, we all the American schooling system is basically just memorizing facts and dates until we get past the standardized tests and then they get flung out the window.

By now, school isn't about learning! All it is about it passing, getting an A. And there is little to no effort being put into helping kids with different learning styles. There are a ton of different learning styles, so yes I know, it would be difficult to cater to them all but if we're going to be forced to go there should be some policy put in place that gives kids with different learning styles a teacher able to teach in the way they need. Kinetic learners could have a more active teacher, a larger classroom that would allow them to move around, that sort of thing. People who learn better through music could have a teacher who was talented in musical arts to teach them. Those are just a couple of examples. 

Not to mention, we need Home Economics, or Life 101 set into place. In my old school we had something called Eagles EXP where our teacher taught us how to balance a checkbook and address a letter, and a couple other things like that. We need a required class in school that teaches things like that and more. Something that teaches us how t o cook more than a fried egg, instant ramen and grilled cheese WITH COMPETENT TEACHERS. My foods teacher last semester stopped giving us assignments and just let us loose in the kitchen area, and because I had no idea what to make, and didn't want to whip something together and end up wasting food- so I now have a brownie recipe memorized due to making it and cookies every day. Oh, and when she gave us assignment, we were making cake out of a box. I realize I'm more privileged than a lot of kids simply because I had this class, but in all honesty I would say it was practically pointless because 1.) All I learned was how to bake a pan of brownies and 2.) I'm now unable to handle raw chicken because I get flashbacks incident..and it makes me nauseous.

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