Chapter 21: The Evening

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***And here it is. The next chapter. Sorry about the wait. Just been re-watching Sherlock while waiting for season 4 to finally arrive. Now it has and I've watched it and now you've got your chapter. Anyway, remember, I don't own anything from MCU. Also, could someone make an awesome book cover for me maybe? Please. Enjoy***

(Tony's P.O.V)

"That was the most delicious lasagna I have ever had," I exclaim as I put down my plate on the coffee table. I give Alexis a wink and ruffle her hair as the others give various noises of agreement.

"Thanks," Alexis smiles, as she finishes off her plate. I see a soft red take over her cheeks as she ducks her head, making me chuckle softly. Her cooking skills shocked us all as she presented a delicious meal for us.

"Where did you learn to cook, sweetheart?" Clint asks as he shovels another mouthful of his third piece of lasagna into his mouth.

"I used to help my mum a lot, and these last 3 years, I have had a lot of time to practice," she whispers as she places her plate on top of mine.

"Well, whoever your mother was, I absolutely love her amazing daughter's cooking," he smiles at her, making the red on her cheeks grow.

I sigh and lean back on the couch. Looking around, I see everyone relaxing in little groups. Clint, Steve and Bruce are all chatting quietly across from Nat, Pepper and I. Thor was called back to Asgard before dinner, and surprisingly, Loki was with us as well, sitting next to Alexis on the seat next to me.

Just one day with Alexis and Loki was with us and not off by himself. 'She sure is something special,' I think to myself, as I watch her whisper something to Loki making him smile down at her as she giggles up at him. I only wish that I had my little angel, Ayden, here as well. Alexis and Ayden would get on so well. 'But she's gone,' the small voice in my head whispers, making my heart clench in pain. Tearing my eyes away from Alexis, I stand up and walk over to the bar.

"Anyone want a drink? Legolas? Capsicle? Reindeer games?" I ask as I get myself out a glass.

"Yea, I'll have a drink," Clint replies, raising his hand. Steve, Nat and Pepper all raise their hands as well, making me pull out four more glasses while Loki declines.

Just as I am about to pour the drinks, a small voice interrupts me. "That's a bad drink," it whispers, making me look up. Alexis is staring at me with wide eyes, full of fear and confusion.

"Why do you say that?" I ask as I put down the bottle and watch her. She stands and slowly walks over to me. Her eyes glued to the bottle I had put on the bench like it was about to attack her.

"It makes people do bad things," she answers softly, as she touches her ribs. I see a flash of pain race through her eyes, followed by fear.

I look up at the others, who are staring at Alexis with a mix of anger, sadness and understanding in their eyes. Looking back at her, I slowly walk around the bar to her and go down on one knee, so I'm not towering over her.

"I'm guessing that you have some experience as to how these drinks can be bad," I say, making her nod slowly. "Do you want to talk about it?" I venture. Feelings aren't my strong point but any comfort I can be to her, I will be.

"No, but thank you," she whispers.

"Alright," I smile, "Now, how about we don't have these drinks around you. Will that be okay?" I ask carefully.

She looks doubtful as she turns her gaze back to the bottle on the bench.

"I can promise that none of us will hurt you when we decide to have a drink. We won't hurt anyone," I quickly say.

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