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Seven looks at you, sighing, "I can't leave you alone anymore." He looks around, "He might come back." You nod, "Yeah."

You blush, "Wait, what?" Seven looks at you, making eye contact. He see your blushing face, his face slowly turns red, "N-no..." He chuckles, "I'm just going to keep an eye on you. Call me whenever he comes back." You chuckle.

Seven turns to leave, but you reach for his arm. "What if he comes back tonight?" You look at Seven, "He might come back t-tonight. So can I stay with you?" You frown, "I don't want to endanger my friend and the association, and you're the only one who knows about my situation."

Seven looks back at you, uncertain. He hesitates before nodding. He holds out his hand, "Just until it's safe." You grab ahold of Seven's hand and cheerfully walk with him.

(I'm sort of losing interest... But tell me ideas on what's going to happen next! ;))

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