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Ashley's P.O.V
I pick up my phone and dial Levi's number,


"Angel?" His calm, monotone voice echo's through the speaker, I'm so enraged that I can't help but yell:
"DID YOU DO THIS?!" Is all I manage to say with out ripping the head off of the doctor in front of me trying to calm me down.
"Do what?" He asks sounding genuinely confused, but I'm not getting fooled by his bullshit.
"EREN! HE'S IN A COMA! YOU DID THIS DIDN'T YOU?!"" I scream down the line now beginning to sob.
"You said you would teach him a lesson... He's probably brain dead with those injuries, you son of a bitch..." I whisper my flow of tears becoming more like waterfalls then streams.
"Sorry, Angel, he didn't listen to my warning he had his chance then, but instead he threw it away and continued to look for you, he got what was coming to him." He says before he hangs up leaving me to be drowned in self-pity and my tortures thoughts.
"NO! YOU SON OF A BITCH! I SWEAR I'LL KILL YOU IF ITS THE LAST THING I DO!!" My sobbing becomes more brutal by the second wracking my entire body, the doctors and nurses pin me down as they inject something into my blood stream to send me to sleep.
Levi's P.O.V
Hanging up the line, I look at the empty space in the bed where my Angel should be laying...
I miss her... So much... She drives me crazy... I long to touch her and to hear her sweet moans as she screams for me... Oh well... She's pregnant... Which means I have her wrapped around my finger for the rest of her life... You'll never escape me Angel... After all, you've got no where to Run.

see what I did there at the end XD
shit? good? no?
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see you in the next chapter
Peace out!

Run! Yandere! Levi x Female Reader (Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now