The Devil's Son Wears His Birthday Suit in my Bed

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The Devil’s Son Wears His Birthday Suit in my Bed.


        Why does life always seem to stab you in the back when things start getting interesting?

        Like when you’re watching a really good movie only to find that it stops at the best part because a younger sibling decided to play Frisbee with the disk, or when your mom ‘accidentally’ uses it as a coffee coaster.

        Does life hate us all? ‘Cause it sure does seem that way sometimes!

        My life seemed normal, with a few exceptions of course, like most people. My brother no longer involved himself in fights at school, my sister owned a skirt longer than five inches long, my mom’s crack addiction seemed to have been ending, slowly at that, and my friends were perfect.

        My family, if you can even call it that, aren’t exactly well off, but we get by, because I never ask my mom for anything; I work evenings at the diner around the corner from our apartment building and if I’m that desperate, I ask my more than wealthy friends if I could borrow it from them and pay them back as soon as I could.

        I don’t blame my mom for her problems, but I do blame her for not trying to help herself. I’ve signed her up for so many community rehab classes as I could with what little money I could scrounge from the plastic purple piggybank hidden under a loose floorboard under my bed.

        She never went to a second class; she didn’t even thank me for trying to help. My sister gave up on our mother and more importantly, herself, long ago, and my brother just tries to ignore it all with his music up as loud as he can get it to go.

        I didn’t really care much for my sister, because she wouldn’t talk to me anymore, due to my social status, or should I say, my lack of a social status; I’m invisible to her and most of the students at our school, known as ‘Smiley Riley’, the chick that never smiles. They think their little name for me is funny, but whatever they’re trying to get across to me obviously isn’t getting through at all.

        Very few know or like me, for I spent a vast majority of my time in the library, the mystical land of dusty old books and the odd stoner. Those that do know me, not my nickname, call me Riley Cast, but if you’re like the morons in my school and have fun tormenting the weak and un-popular, then yes, you can call me ‘Smiley Riley’ or whatever other name you can think of to tease me.

        My friends lack social status too, but maybe not as much as me, for they come from families with ‘old money’, causing most people to lick their asses dry, but they prefer my sarcastic, witty and outgoing personality compared to the pompous ass lickers in our school.

        I’ve lived in Las Vegas for most of my life; we moved here from Texas when I was one, my sister was two and my mother was pregnant and glowing with baby number three, our father happily by her side, smiling and joking.

        My dad died when I was five, due to an accident on the construction site he worked on; he slipped off of some scaffolding, but that wasn’t what killed him, what killed him was the electric wire in his hand when he landed in a large puddle of mucky water. It fried him from the inside out.

        I don’t remember him much, but from what my mom used to mumble in her drunk spells, he was a good man, and he always did what he had to for his family. I wish I had known him a little more, because I see the way my friends are with their dad’s and it does send a pang of jealousy through my heart, but I guess you can’t miss something you never really had.

I always was a little socially challenged. I find it hard to make friends, I mean; it took my three best friends two or three years before I actually admitted to them being my friends. I just don’t like people in general really and my friends are a lot like me so I can handle them… most of the time.

         So, yeah, I guess that’s all there really is to know about me, apart from the fact that I’m a virgin, I’ve never had a boyfriend and I’m still awaiting my very first kiss, with my own Prince Charming.

        Life’s a bitch and then you die, so why do I feel like I won’t be that lucky?


Thanks for reading!

The picture is random, I know, but I don't want to put my picture of Riley up yet; I will in the first chapter, as soon as I get it written! :*

I've had this idea in my head since before my wattpad days and this is my third time trying to write it. I have the right cast now, so I can visualise perfectly. All I need now is the help and support of my brilliant fans, because I love you and I hope you love me back xxx

I bid you fair well for now, fellow wattpadders!


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