Its over. Thank you.

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Wow guys. I really can't believe it's over. I started this book months ago and was just writing for myself and my friend. I could have never imagined it'd come this far.

This book has been a part of my life for these past couple months and I can't thank you enough for the support you've given it.

It pains me to see this book end, but it gives me joy at the same time. I'm so thankful to you readers, because without you I wouldn't have completed this book ever.

I started this book when I was in a bad place In my life, I felt as if everything was collapsing around me. My friend Julia had been taken away from me because of this. Dan and Phil helped me through that time, so in a way (Y/N) was kind of based off me. The way everyone was leaving her slowly and Dan was there for her. But I'm definitely better now and me and Julia are as close as ever.

This was my second book I've written on wattpad, the other isn't published anymore because it's more of sentimental value to me and some friends more than anything else. And let me tell you, from the time I started that book to now. My writing has improved immensely.

And yes I know this book is kinda shit, but I can say I'm somewhat proud of it.

I want to thank some of you in particular for encouraging me through all of this.

So first I'd like to thank EattheBootyyy being a part of my books since I first started to write. Tbh I know her in real life and I love her more than the world. Sorry that I killed the character in the book that I named after you. #RipKiki

Second I'd like to thank PhamilyIsHere for being one of the first people to actually comment on my books.

Third I'd like to thank 101OmgItsAlex101 for commenting the funniest things. Your comments literally make me pee my pants sometimes. (And for being my internet friend)

Fourth is like to thank The_Trashy_Phangirl for being the nicest person in the world to me. You always say the nicest things about my book and make my day.

Fifth I'd like to thank leonahowlter for always voting on my chapters and being one of the first to read. You're quick af.

Sixth I'd like to thank BlueDinoxx for always commenting and voting. You're honestly such a sweetheart.

Seventh I'd like to thank swiftdaydream for commenting, it really does mean a lot.

Most importantly I'd like to thank currentlycringing for there throughout this whole books. Thank you for telling me my book isn't shit. Thank you for Encouraging me to write. Thank you for always texting me the mistake I make so I can change them. Thank you for letting me name a character after you. And most importantly thank you for being one of my best friends. I'd literally die for you.

And just thank you to everyone who has read to this point in general. So I guess this is goodbye then?

Bye guys I'll see you soon (yes you're supposed to say bye back or I'll cry)

Have a beautiful day my little crayons<3


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