Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

(Marine One, the President's helicopter)

The sun was shining bright in the sky by the time I rolled over and stretched the last remnants of sleep from my body. It was a spur of the moment decision, but I was so looking forward to my impromptu trip to Camp David. My plans were to do absolutely nothing for the entire weekend. The girls were happily ensconced at David's house. Chenille is currently trying to curry favor with me after our little disagreement by doing everything I say, including clearing my schedule at the last minute for this trip. I'd instructed her and the rest of my staff so they fully understood I wasn't to be bothered unless there was a national emergency requiring my immediate attention.

Colin was a little put out over the fact that I'd miss yet another one of our workout sessions this morning, but he's perked up real quick when I told him that we'll continue our daily exercises in the world class gym at Camp David. It was hilarious to watch his reaction to the news. He had all danced his way around the Oval Office. I'd forgotten that this would be his first trip to the Presidential getaway.

Marine One was due to arrive at 10 a.m. sharp to fly my entourage and I to our weekend destination. I almost felt bad about springing my last minute decision on my staff late last night, but it is what it is. I need a break to recharge and regroup from all the things being thrown in my direction. More than anything, I needed moment to truly think about the possibilities of having the balls to do something I've wanted to do since I've first laid eyes in the man.

Mason had firmly placed the decision in my hands about taking our relationship from something strictly professional to something that could possibly have me impeached from office if it was ever made public. The agent had verbally stated that he was fully aware what at take not only for me but for himself as well, but he's also made it clear that he was more than willing to take that risk for me.

There was a brief tapping sound on my bedroom door before the man in question opened it and stuck his head through the gap he created. When he saw that I was fully dressed and ready he entered the room and closed the door behind him. My heart beat just a little bit faster, this would be the first time we were alone since that morning he'd pinned me to the sofa and made sure I knew exactly how he felt about me.

"Good morning Mr. President. I trust you've slept well. Marine One has arrived, Colin and most of your personal agents are already aboard, Sir." He informed me as he stood at perfect attention by the door. He's been nothing but professional with me over the last couple of days, other than that heated moment in the Oval Office after I told Chenille to stop her annoying matchmaking attempts to set me up with her cousin. I wasn't an idiot, I know for a fact that her father, that bigoted son of a bitch, was capable of using his own family members to drag my name through the mud. The man doesn't know how to lose graciously. He threw his hat in the ring and ran against me for the Presidency, and America was so vocal in their dislike for him that I'd won my term by such a large margin, that even I was embarrassed for him.

It wasn't like the man hadn't been warned, the signs of his impending loss was there for him to see. The news media, the polls, and the general public opinion had already pegged me for the winner of the election, and I humbly admit it was all because of tragic death of my beloved wife, and the American's people sympathy for me and my children as well as the fact that even with the trials of Heather's death, I'd managed to do most of what I'd promised America I'd do if they had elected me into office.

Making sure I had everything that I was supposed to have, I turned and made my way towards the man than represented temptation incarnate. Even after I said a polite, "Excuse Me." The sexy bastard gave me a smug smirk. He refused to step back and allow me the space to get out of the room. My left arm had to brush against that chiseled body in order to exit my bedroom. My knees barely held me upright as I got a whiff of his expensive cologne.

P.O.T.U.S. (manxman)**Short Story**Where stories live. Discover now