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I was back to work after the weekend with a smile on my face. I had my mourning coffee in my hand, I had an eventful mourning before Fred left for work, Emilee went to school, the boys with their mother, and we were now shooting the last half of season four.
"Darling there you are!" Victoria called rushing to me in her Cruella costume.
"Wow. I can't tell if that make up compliments your eyes or your eye brows." I cocked my head to the side holding back the laughter of how odd she looked.
"I know I look the part." I couldn't hold back anymore I almost dropped my coffee. "Woman seriously?" She giggled. I nodded and walked with her to my trailer.
"Okay well I need to find Jen." I said still calming down from the fit.
"You know I rather think Emma and Gina need to relax the other." She winked at me making me raise a brow.
"Tell that to the writers then. Because guylinner is currently in Emma's back pocket." I smirked opening my door and stepping in.
"I will in the mean time you and Jen need to-"
"Victoria! I am married. As much as Emma and Regina have chemistry it will never happen because of the writers. Besides Jen doesn't like me in that way nor do I." She just nodded while smiling and walked away.
I rolled my eyes and closed the door. I was met with hands cupping my mouth and eyes. I froze.
"Well..." the breathed in my ear. "I do think the term for our relationship is friends with benefits." I relaxed and poked my tongue out and made her squeal. "Gross Lana!" I turned around to see the blonde in skinny jeans and a tank top with a brown leather jacket.
"You mean Emma and Regina's relationship." I winked and placed my things on the table.
"I know I was in character." I huffed and sat down.
"Jen it was a drunken one night stand. Though I know both of us remember it fondly I do not wish to repeat it." She just smiled.
"I know." Her voice chipper. "I just came to make sure the mayor was ready to eat Swan later." I blushed. Only her and I knew what was going to happen later in the season. We don't know how it will happen because we only have two scripts and when they become cannon, it will happen in the last episode and only her and I will get the page containing it. So we've been told.
"I think the Mayor has been ready sense the pilot." I licked my bottom lip.
"Lana don't tease it's not nice." I laughed and grabbed my glasses, marker, and script from my bag.
"I need to go over my lines." She rolled her eyes playfully and grabbed my coffee off of the counter and took a sip before handing it to me.
"Well I have to go shoot so have fun with the reading." As she walked past me I smacked her but making her jump and giggle.
"Oh I will."

"It's the sea bitch." I held the phone to my ear as "Ursula" talked to me. But I became distracted when I felt my own phone buzz in my pocket. There are only three people who would call me before they texted.
"Excuse me." They called cut and I made my way to the side of the Mayors office and looked at my phone. It was my daughter.
"Emilee what-" "Mom I threw up." I sighed. "Alright I'll have a driver come pick you up. When you get to the trailer just lay down on the couch with a bowl." "Kay sorry if I messed up a scene." I could hear through the phone that she was sick. "I need to go I love you I'll check on you later." "Love you too." I hung up and placed my phone back in my pocket.
"Sorry daughters sick and Fred left for California this mourning." We got back to the scene.

I grabbed my things and grabbed a mint hot chocolate as well as a sprite for Emilee.
I was walking back to my trailer when Victoria now dressed as herself walked up next to me.
"Kid sick I hear." I nodded. "I have some oils that can help." I looked at her. "Essential Oils. They help with things like sore muscles, upset stomachs, sore throat, plugged nose, many more." I smiled.
"That would be great meet me at my trailer then." With that we split ways.
I walked into the trailer to hear her vomiting in the bathroom. Her bowl was full next to the couch. I held my breath as I picked it up and took it into the bathroom. I dumped it down the drain in the shower and rinsed it.
"Sorry." She got out before leaning over again and retching more. I rubbed her back and pulled her hair back into a bun. When she stopped she leaned back and closed her eyes tired. I sat down with her after flushing the toilet and opening the window to air it out some.
I let her curl up on my lap as I played the the baby hairs next to her neck.
"Lana!" The blonde called as she walked in the trailer. "Tell me what's wrong dear." She said in a hushed tone kneeling on the floor in front of us.
"My throat, chest, my," she paused and coughed. "Head is pounding. I feel like my stomach is being run through with a very sharp knife." Vic nodded and grabbed a few oils.
"I'm going to have you sit up for a moment." I moved so I was sitting behind my daughter. She grabbed a small bottle and tipped it on her finger letting a drop fall. She whipped it under Emilee's nose. "This is peppermint. Beloved very deeply at my house." She dropped two more drops on her finger before running it over Emilee's throat. She used a couple more oils, but the strongest smelling one I smelt was lavender. "Alright young lady. I'm going to leave these here with your mom and you need to sleep and if possibly eat something small but you need something in your system." I thanked her and had her help me get the fifteen year old onto the bed in the back.
I ran my fingers through her hair and hummed a random tune but soothed her to sleep. She was pale but sweating, because of the fever. I made sure she was asleep before going and sleeping on the couch. I don't want to get sick, as much as my motherly instincts tell me to cuddle her and never leave her side. I have to be well enough to care for her.

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