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"And, done!" I sat in my room drawing Newt with a small Niffler at his side. What was new, honestly? I was an obsessive, excessively bored human being that had nothing better to do with my life. I stood up off of my seat and stood back, looking down at the drawing. "Oh god. This is horrid." I tried holding in a laugh, but I couldn't hold it in as I looked at the rough disproportionate man and the blob looking Niffler. "Jesus." I crumpled up the paper and tossed it near my trash can, sighing as I sat down onto my bed.

"I need my pencil confiscated." I said with another laugh before sighing and letting my back fall against the bed. My eyes fell closed while I kept my mind blank. Oh, how I just loved to lay in my bed and just clear my never ending train of thoughts for drawings or books. I slowly opened my eyes and turned my head to the door as I heard some footsteps nearing where I lay. I propped myself up onto my arm and yelled out: "Come in" before my Mother could ask to come in.

She walked in with a warm smile before she had walked over to my bed, handing a small paper over to me. "Chores." She said, with her warm smile turning into one more of amusement knowing how much I hated the chores she would assign. "You're kidding." I said in soft groan. My mother laughed softly before ruffling my hair and propping her hand onto her hip. "Honey, you're eighteen years old. If you're going to still live here, you better earn your way." She said in a way that sounded almost mocking in a teasing way. I sighed and moved up off the bed.

"I'll start later. Promise." I said while I pinned the list up onto my cork board. She sighed and rubbed her forehead before walking out silently. It was obvious on how annoyed she was with me and my ways. I was a childish adult who dared not move an inch out of her household. I must have highly irritated her. Hell, I'd even irritated myself if I had to deal with me.

With an annoyed breath she left the room to myself.

"(Name)! Dinner time!" my mother called out with her voice echoing throughout the halls while I shifted my eyes up from my book to look up at the time and instantly had my face pale. I closed my book and set it by my side before looking at the oh-so-familiar cover. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. I smiled softly and patted my hand on it before walking into the kitchen, sliding in on my socks. "Hey, madre!" I had said while doing finger guns and a grin, until I slipped over. I yelled out before my back had crashed onto the floor with a loud thud echoing through the room.

A stifled laugh was heard. I looked up to my mother with a glare painted across my face. She had her hand over her mouth as she tried hard not to break down laughing. I got up and rubbed my back before sitting into my seat, sighing softly. She laughed quietly before sitting down across from me and putting her hands in a praying position. "(Name), do you have anything you're grateful for tonight? Newt Scamander's cheekbones? "No, not tonight." I said, holding back a cheesy grin.

She closed her eyes and mumbled a pray before saying a soft amen, tapping her forehead, chest, then shoulder to shoulder to create a cross. I picked up my fork and began eating the food without another word. My eyes trailed around the room, but stopped on two plates that my mother always set. One for my father, one for my brother. I stopped chewing and lowered my fork. My heart sunk just thinking about them, and I felt my apatite fade away. I slowly swallowed and completely set down my fork. A clink of the fork on the dish filled the room. Mother's head shot over to me as her face scrunched into a frown.

"What's wrong?" She asked while I stood up, a frown on my face. I shook my head and rubbed my arm as my eyes stayed on the floor. "I worked hard for this meal, please sit down." She asked in more of a plea than a command. I shook my head and started walking. "(NAME)! Stop it right now!" She yelled and I froze before turning on my heels. My feeling overwhelmed with anger and nostalgia. I opened my mouth to yell back at her, but I was cut short.

I was cut short by a crashing sound in the bathroom like everything had fallen off the counter, and someone had slipped on the floor.

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