16: Knock Knock

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Hairy: are you ready to laugh your fine as hell ass off

Matt: thank you my ass is fine as hell

Matt: and yeah im ready to not laugh


Matt: nah

Hairy: wait wait wait

Matt: waiting

Hairy: how am i gonna know if you actually laugh or not?

Matt: thats a good question tbh

Matt: well i mean i would suggest we video chat but you don't wanna show me who you are so

Hairy: well i mean... we could call

Matt: on video?

Hairy: no, on the phone

Matt: oh

Matt: okay yeah

Hairy: okay

Matt: okay

Hairy: am i calling or you?

Matt: ill call

Hairy: okay


I stared at the phone screen as I waited for her to call me. My heart was pounding in my chest and my hands were sweating.

This was going to be the first time either of us has heard the other talk and I was terrified.

About another minute passed and I almost texted her to ask if she was going to call or not but her name popped up and my phone started ringing. I hesitated for a moment. Three rings passed until I finally slid the accept button and I softly pressed the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I spoke quietly. So quietly I think I might have actually whispered.

"Hello." she replied.

My heart skipped a beat. Her voice was beautiful. It was so soft but also had this rasp to it. She giggled when I didn't reply and my stomach flipped.

"Are you there?" she giggled into the phone.

"Ye-" I cleared my throat. "Yes, I'm here."

"Good." she said and I swear it sounded like she was smiling. "So how bout them jokes?"

"Right. The jokes." I nodded, leaning back against the chair I was sitting in.

"I'm going to let you know right now though, the only jokes I know are-"

"Oh my god!" she gasped, making me go silent with wide eyes.

"What's wrong?" I panicked.

"Nothing, nothing. It's just you actually do have a British accent." she explained. "It's so cool."

I chuckled. "Well I did say I was British."

"Yes you did."

"Now, shall we get on with the jokes?"

"Yes, we shall." she mocked me, giggling afterwards. I shook my head with a smile although she couldn't see me.

"As I was saying before, the only jokes I know are knock knock jokes."

I heard her sigh heavily through the receiver.

"Why the heavy sigh?"

"Knock knock jokes are the worst." she groaned.

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