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I owe you an explanation.

I'm officially taking a break from this book.

I won't be long, I promise.

I just broke up with my s/o, and it honestly wasn't that tragic, but I'm currently going through post-finale depression.

My honest to god favorite horror show Scream just ended it's second season, and...dear god it's such a good show.

Go watch it.

Please go watch it.

I'm just gonna take a week off, maybe two...

I like how I'm more heartbroken over my show than breaking up with someone I thought I loved.

They were honestly shitty.

I love you guys so much. Thank you for 1.5k reads.

I'm probably going to write a horror story on my break, so look out for that.

Thank you guys for the continuous support.

I hope you can understand.

Tyler Joseph ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now